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NotePad++ 和 JS?

[英]NotePad++ and JS?

I'm creating a web page with within the index.html a slideshow of 8 images.我在 index.html 中创建了一个包含 8 个图像的幻灯片的网页。 Now if I add these images, and I run it in a random browser it just works perfectly fine, while adding some javascripts to get a beautifull index page with a slideshow, it just does not do anything.现在,如果我添加这些图像,并在随机浏览器中运行它,它就可以正常工作,而添加一些 javascript 以获得带有幻灯片的漂亮索引页,它只是没有做任何事情。 I get a white page full of bugs etc. Can some one please tell me what I did do wrong?我得到了一个充满错误等的白页。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗?

 <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var img1 = new Image() img1.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img1.jpg" var img2 = new Image() img2.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img2.jpg" var img3 = new Image() img3.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img3.jpg" var img4 = new Image() img4.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img4.jpg" var img5 = new Image() img5.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img5.jpg" var img6 = new Image() img6.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img6.jpg" var img7 = new Image() img7.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img7.jpg" var img8 = new Image() img8.src ="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img8.jpg" //--> </script> </head> <body> <img src="F:\\Thema B\\website1\\img.jpg" name="slide"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var pic=1 function slides() { if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("img"+pic+".src") if <pic < 8) pic++ else pic = 1 setTimeout("slides()",500) } slides() //--> </script> </body> </html>

So... at first glance, it looks like this line is the issue所以......乍一看,这条线似乎是问题所在


If you look, you are creating filenames of 'img1.src'.如果您看一下,您正在创建“img1.src”的文件名。 However, you actually want 'img1.jpg'.但是,您实际上想要“img1.jpg”。

Try this to fix the problem...试试这个来解决问题......


Also, you may likely need to put the full path there as well... so you may want to use something like此外,您可能还需要将完整路径放在那里......所以你可能想要使用类似的东西

document.images.slide.src=eval("F:\Thema B\website1\img"+pic+".jpg")

I see two problems:我看到两个问题:

1) there is a typo in if line. 1) if 行中有一个错字。 You typed你打字

if <pic < 8)

and i think you wanted我想你想要

if (pic < 8)

2) reading images from disk. 2)从磁盘读取图像。 Javascript blocks that due to security reasons出于安全原因,Javascript 会阻止

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