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在Notepad ++中使用JSLint

[英]Using JSLint in Notepad++

我已经看到其他文本编辑器使用扩展来允许语法检查器,如JSLint ,这是否可以使用Notepad ++?

I have managed to get two lint programs to run using the notepad++ 's NppExec Plugin. 我已经设法使用notepad ++NppExec插件运行两个lint程序。

The NppExec plugin is usually installed by default and can be found under plugins -> NppExec. NppExec插件通常默认安装,可以在plugins - > NppExec下找到。 (Using NppExec 0.3 RC1 and Notepad++ 5.1+). (使用NppExec 0.3 RC1和Notepad ++ 5.1+)。

1) JSLint 1)JSLint

first download the WSH version of jslint from http://www.jslint.com . 首先从http://www.jslint.com下载jslintWSH版本
Modify the last part of the file as follows: 修改文件的最后部分,如下所示:

(function() {
    if(!JSLINT(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll(),{passfail:false})) {
        var e;
        for(var i in JSLINT.errors) {
            WScript.StdOut.WriteLine('Lint at line '+(e.line+1)+' character '+(e.character+1)+': '+e.reason);
            WScript.StdOut.WriteLine('    '+(e.evidence||'').replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/,"$1"));

(Pre-modified version here) (这里有预修改版)
This causes JSLint to output all of the errors, not just the first one. 这会导致JSLint输出所有错误,而不仅仅是第一个错误。

Next, Notepad++'s NppExec doesn't allow the use of StdIn so I wrote a batch file to actually execute the command. 接下来,Notepad ++的NppExec不允许使用StdIn,所以我写了一个批处理文件来实际执行命令。
This also allowed me to add a config file that is inserted before all javascript files. 这也允许我添加一个在所有javascript文件之前插入的配置文件。 The options can be seen here . 可以在这里看到选项。 The batch file looks like this: 批处理文件如下所示:

@copy /b "C:\Program Files\jslint\conf.txt"+%1 "C:\Program Files\jslint\lastoutput.txt" > temp.txt
@cscript /Nologo "C:\Program Files\jslint\jslint.js" < "C:\Program Files\jslint\lastoutput.txt"

You may need to modify the paths depending on where you put the jslint.js file. 您可能需要根据放置jslint.js文件的位置来修改路径。 The conf.txt file looks like this: conf.txt文件如下所示:

/*jslint forin:true*/

Make sure there is no return carriage at the end of this line. 确保此行末尾没有返回托架。 If there is a return carriage all the lines counts will be off by one. 如果有回程车,则所有行数都将减1。

Finally, the command I entered into NppExec is: 最后,我输入NppExec的命令是:

"C:\Program Files\jslint\jslint.bat" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" 

2) Javascript Lint 2)Javascript Lint

Javascript lint is a slightly less strict parser and was much easier to implement. Javascript lint是一个稍微不那么严格的解析器,并且更容易实现。

First grab a copy of the windows version from http://www.javascriptlint.com/download.htm and unzip it. 首先从http://www.javascriptlint.com/download.htm获取Windows版本的副本并解压缩。 Then the NppExec command is: 那么NppExec命令是:

"C:\Program Files\JavascriptLint\jsl.exe" -conf "C:\Program Files\JavascriptLint\jsl.default.conf" -process "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

(note: Most instructions for Javascript Lint will say to add "pauseatend" to the end of the command, I found this caused problems in Notepad++ so I left it off) (注意:Javascript Lint的大多数说明都会在命令末尾添加“pauseatend”,我发现这在Notepad ++中引起了问题,所以我把它关了)

Hope this helps someone, 希望这有助于某人,
Cheers, 干杯,
Andy. 安迪。

You may try JSLint Plugin for Notepad++: 您可以尝试使用JSLint Plugin for Notepad ++:

https://sourceforge.net/projects/jslintnpp/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/jslintnpp/

After you've installed the plugin you should go to: 安装完插件后,您应该去:

Plugins -> JSLint -> JSLint options 插件 - > JSLint - > JSLint选项

and change "Choose JavaScript lint tool:" to JSHint . 并将“选择JavaScript lint工具:”更改为JSHint

JSHint gives alot less meaningless "errors". JSHint给出了很多毫无意义的“错误”。

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