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Javascript单选按钮 - 尝试只选择选中的按钮

[英]Javascript radio buttons - trying to select only checked button

I'm trying to write some code which displays certain content only when a combination of radio buttons are checked.我正在尝试编写一些代码,仅在选中单选按钮组合时才显示某些内容。 Unfortunately, what I've done so far doesn't seem to work - for some reason the content is displaying even when the second radio button hasn't been checked.不幸的是,到目前为止我所做的似乎不起作用 - 由于某种原因,即使没有选中第二个单选按钮,内容也会显示。

Here is my html:这是我的 html:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SEgraphics.css"></link>
    <form id = "form1">
        <input type="radio" name="info1" id="i1" value="1" /><label for = "i1">Item 1</label>
        <input type="radio" name="info1" id="i2" value="2" /><label for = "i2">Item 2</label>
        <input type="radio" name="info1" id="i3" value="3" /><label for = "i3">Item 3</label>
    <form id = "form2">
        <input type="radio" name="info2" id="i4" value="4" /><label for = "i4">Item 4</label>
        <input type="radio" name="info2" id="i5" value="5" /><label for = "i5">Item 5</label>
        <input type="radio" name="info2" id="i6" value="6" /><label for = "i6">Item 6</label>
    <div id ="info1">Test 1</div>
    <div id ="info2">Test 2</div>
    <div id="info3">Test 3</div>

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SEgraphic.js"></script>

And here is my javascript:这是我的javascript:

    $("#i1").on("click", function(){
        var check1 = $("i4");
        if (check1.checked = true) {

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Edit: Thanks for your answers everyone - they have been really helpful.编辑:感谢大家的回答 - 他们真的很有帮助。 I've done quite a bit more on the project now and think I have completed the functionality - it's on this codepen我现在在这个项目上做了更多的工作,并认为我已经完成了功能——它在这个 codepen 上

1st you forgot to add # to $("i4") 1st 你忘了将#添加到$("i4")

2nd use is(':checked')第二次使用is(':checked')

  $("#i1").on("click", function(){
    var check1 = $("#i4");
      if (check1.is(':checked')) {


Note: I think you have a lot to do .. So I think it was better to ask your question with everything you want注意:我认为你有很多事情要做..所以我认为最好随心所欲地问你的问题

Update: your code need to simplify like this更新:您的代码需要像这样简化

    // top row of buttons //
    // change 'click' to 'change'
    $("input[type='radio']").on("change", function(){
        // remove class clicked from the labels next input in same group
        // add class clicked to the label
        // hide all the divs its Id starts with info (info1 , info2 ,......)
        // get info1 checked input value
        var info1_radio = $('input[name="info1"]:checked').val();
        // get info2 checked input value
        var info2_radio = $('input[name="info2"]:checked').val();
        //Make all your if/else statments here to show the div you want
        if(info1_radio == '1' && info2_radio == '4'){
        }else if(info1_radio == '1' && info2_radio == '5'){
        }else ......

Working Demo工作演示

there are many issues i can see...我可以看到很多问题......

1.two equal marks required . 1.需要两个相等的分数。

if (check1.checked == true) { 

2. $("#i4") instead of $("i4") 2. $("#i4")而不是$("i4")

Please put a jsfiddle and your conditions请放一个jsfiddle和你的条件

I think I found the answer.我想我找到了答案。 In the if statement, exra =, so在 if 语句中,exra =,所以

   if (check1.checked == true) {

So first, you need a # to get it in your javascript:因此,首先,您需要一个 # 才能在您的 javascript 中获取它:


$("#i1").on("click", function(){
    var check1 = $("#i4");
    if (check1.checked = true) {

Why ?为什么 ? because you look for the id i4.因为您要查找 ID i4。 In CSS you also call an id with # Second, you always need two == for if statements (Not for initializing):在 CSS 中,您还可以使用 # Second 调用 id,对于 if 语句(不是用于初始化),您始终需要两个 ==:

if (check1.checked == true) { 

And btw why are you using 2 different Forms ?顺便说一句,你为什么使用 2 种不同的表单? And i recommend to download js我建议下载js

Get all checked radios获取所有检查过的收音机

var checkedRadios = $( "input[type=radio]:checked" );

Vefify if an element with id="test" is checked验证是否检查了 id="test" 的元素

if( $( "#test:checked" ).size() > 0 )


if( $( "#test" ).is( ":checked" ) )

I made a JSFiddle showing one way to do this using jQuery and classes.我制作了一个JSFiddle,展示了一种使用 jQuery 和类来做到这一点的方法。


<h1>Check the checkboxes to see more content</h1>
<input type="checkbox" id="cb1" class="display-more-cb"/>
<label for="cb1">Checkbox 1</label>

<input type="checkbox" id="cb2" class="display-more-cb"/>
<label for="cb2">Checkbox 2</label>

<div id="content" style="display:none;">
    <h2>This content is displayed when both checkboxes are checked.</h2>    

JavaScript: JavaScript:

$(".display-more-cb").bind("change", function(){
    var allChecked = true;
    var checkboxes = $(".display-more-cb");

    for(var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
        if(!checkboxes[i].checked) {
            allChecked = false;

    allChecked ? $("#content").show() : $("#content").hide(); 

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