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[英]Regex not matching regex in PHP

I am currently working at a project involving regex in php. 我目前正在一个涉及regex的项目中工作。 I wanted to know why or how can I get this recursive regular expression to work in PHP: 我想知道为什么或如何让此递归正则表达式在PHP中工作:


It should match this text (for example): 它应与以下文本匹配(例如):


And the given results should be an array with: 给定的结果应该是一个包含以下内容的数组:

  • [a-f0-9]{32}
  • [az]{3}

EDIT: 编辑:

$from = '{{"test":"([a-f0-9]{32})"},{"test2":"([a-z]{3})"}}'; 
preg_match_all("/(((?:(?:[^?+*{}()[]\\|]+|\\.|[(?:\^?\\.|\^[^\]|[^\\^])(?:[^]\]+‌​|\\.)*]|((?:\?[:=!]|\?<[=!]|\?>)?(?1)??)|(\?(?:R|[+-]?\d+)))(?:(?:[?+*]|\{\d+‌​(?:,\d*)?\})[?+]?)?|\|)*))/", $from, $output_array, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); 

Why this complex? 为什么这么复杂?

preg_match ('/\:"\((.*)\)"/', $search, $ matches);

It seems you just want the values between :"( and )" ? 看来您只想要:"()"之间的值?

The matches are in $matches. 匹配项为$ matches。

See http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php 参见http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php

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