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[英]C code embedded python callback function

C code embedded python callback function,and put data to python queue through callback, when i get data from queue, it's very slow. C代码嵌入了python回调函数,并通过回调将数据放入python队列,当我从队列中获取数据时,它非常慢。

Example: 例:

c code like this 像这样的代码

static int wrap_func(const int a, const unsigned char *b)
  long ret;
  PyObject *arglist;
  PyObject * result = NULL;

  arglist = Py_BuildValue("(s#)", b, a);
  result = PyEval_CallObject(my_callback, arglist);

  /* evaluate result or handle exception */
  ret = PyInt_AsLong(result);
  if (result == NULL)
    return -1;

  return ret;

void produce_data()
        //produce data to buffer, len is buffer length
        //call callback func 
        wrap_func(buffer, len);

compile this c code to so like mywrap.so, and import this so in python python code like this: 将此c代码编译为mywrap.so,并将其导入到python python代码中,如下所示:

import multiprocessing
import mywarp   # mywrap.so

class WorkerThread_a(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, workQueue):
        self.workQueue = workQueue
    def run(self):
        while 1:
                recvdata = self.workQueue.get(block=False)
            except Queue.Empty:
            #do sth use recvdata

workQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()

def callback_func(a):
    if a:
    return 0

def main():
    tmp = WorkerThread_a(workQueue)


In python thread, i get data from queue, but i get data very slowly, but in c so, produce data and put to queue through python callback func quickly. 在python线程中,我从队列中获取数据,但是我得到的数据非常慢,但是在c中,生成数据并快速通过python回调函数进入队列。

how can i get data from queue quickly like in pure python code. 如何从纯python代码中快速获取队列中的数据。

I think what's happening is that your C code is never releasing the global interpreter lock (GIL), so your Python code never has a chance to run. 我认为正在发生的事情是你的C代码永远不会发布全局解释器锁(GIL),所以你的Python代码永远不会有机会运行。 When you're running multiple threads in Python code, they automatically swap the GIL between them and so share time equally, but this doesn't happen without your intervention in C code. 当您在Python代码中运行多个线程时,它们会自动在它们之间交换GIL,从而平均分配时间,但如果没有您对C代码的干预,就不会发生这种情况。

It should probably work a lot better if you acquire and release the GIL once per loop in your C-code (even though you don't do anything that doesn't need it). 如果您获取和你的C代码每个循环一次释放GIL(即使你什么也不做, 并不需要它)这也许应该工作好了很多。 All I've really done is added the macros Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS at the start of the function. 我真正做的就是在函数开头添加宏Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADSPy_END_ALLOW_THREADS

static int wrap_func(const int a, const unsigned char *b)
  /* This should give the chance for the main Python thread
  to run, even though no code goes here */

  long ret;
  PyObject *arglist;
  PyObject * result = NULL;

  arglist = Py_BuildValue("(s#)", b, a);
  result = PyEval_CallObject(my_callback, arglist);

  /* evaluate result or handle exception */
  ret = PyInt_AsLong(result);

  /* This is chang */
  if (result == NULL)
    return -1;

  return ret;

(I should say - this is an untested guess that I'm 90% sure is right, but I've been wrong before!) (我应该说 - 这是一个未经测试的猜测,我90%肯定是对的,但我以前错了!)

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