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Kibana 仪表板中的用户级别访问控制

[英]User level access control in Kibana dashboard

I need to create a dashboard for some reports and my first approach was ES/kibana but I need user based access to the dashboard and user should be able to see just his data, more like a token based access.我需要为一些报告创建一个仪表板,我的第一种方法是 ES/kibana,但我需要基于用户的仪表板访问权限,用户应该只能看到他的数据,更像是基于令牌的访问。 I know using shield we can have index level access control and using nginx and lua we can have another level of role based access control.我知道使用 shield 我们可以有索引级别的访问控制,使用 nginx 和 lua 我们可以有另一个级别的基于角色的访问控制。 Is it possible to achieve user based access to data in ES/Kibana.是否可以在 ES/Kibana 中实现基于用户的数据访问。

Also, Is there any other existing solutions which can be used for creating such kind of dashboard, open source preferably.此外,是否有任何其他现有解决方案可用于创建此类仪表板,最好是开源的。

Please don't mark a duplicate of How to set authentication in kibana , its few months old query.请不要标记重复的How to set authentication in kibana ,它几个月前的查询。

Have you tried SearchGuard ?你试过SearchGuard吗? I think it could fit your needs.我认为它可以满足您的需求。 It's a free alternative to Shield (the comercial feature of Elastic).它是 Shield(Elastic 的商业功能)的免费替代品。 Shield would also fit your needs but is quite expensive, although you get the development license. Shield 也可以满足您的需求,但价格相当昂贵,尽管您获得了开发许可证。

SearchGuard recently announced a version for elasticsearch 2.2 but still alpha. SearchGuard 最近宣布了一个用于 elasticsearch 2.2 但仍为 alpha 的版本。 You also have versions for 1.x versions of elasticsearch.您还有 1.x 版本的 elasticsearch 版本。

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