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如何在 Kibana Dashboard 中禁用弹性用户访问

[英]How to Disable Elastic User access in Kibana Dashboard

I am trying to setup Elastic search log management... I have enabled Free Xpack secutiry for kibana Dashboard authentication and created users with super access for my team members.. Now I would like to disable elastic user login access in kibana Dashboard..我正在尝试设置 Elastic 搜索日志管理...我已经为kibana Dashboard 身份验证启用了Free Xpack secutiry ,并为我的团队成员创建了具有超级访问权限的用户。现在我想在kibana Dashboard 中禁用弹性用户登录访问权限。

So elastic user access will work only beat's & Logstash configurations.因此弹性用户访问仅适用于 beat 和 Logstash 配置。

How can I disable elastic user kibana Dashboard access?如何禁用弹性用户kibana仪表板访问?

Read this link.阅读链接。 Create a separate user with privileges required to only index data and use them in the output plugin for logstash and beats.创建一个单独的用户,该用户具有仅索引数据所需的特权,并在输出插件中将它们用于 logstash 和 beats。

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