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[英]port unity game to facebook canvas platform using parse

I am porting a unity game to facebook canvas to make it available on facebook by using following link 我正在使用以下链接将统一游戏移植到Facebook画布上以使其在Facebook上可用

https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/getting-started/canvas https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/getting-started/canvas

I am using parse to deploy my game. 我正在使用解析来部署我的游戏。 I am successfully able to deploy my game and if i navigate to that url I am able to download my uploaded game files. 我可以成功部署我的游戏,并且如果我导航到该URL,则可以下载我上传的游戏文件。

when I gave that url as Secure Canvas URL , it showed there is no file on that parse url. 当我将该URL作为Secure Canvas URL给出时,表明该解析URL上没有文件。

it is because Facebook Canvas applications makes HTTP POST requests to your canvas URL. 这是因为Facebook Canvas应用程序向您的画布URL发出HTTP POST请求。 Parse Hosting only supports HTTP GET for static HTML pages. 解析托管仅支持静态HTML页面的HTTP GET。 I got that I have to add some code, but cant understand which code to add and where to add, as I am not a much web person. 我知道我必须添加一些代码,但是由于我不是一个网络专家,所以无法理解要添加哪些代码以及在何处添加代码。

any help will be much appreciated. 任何帮助都感激不尽。 Thanks 谢谢

What I am aware of is that facebook requires https:// connection and it does not support http:// while parse is http:// 我知道的是,facebook需要https://连接,并且不支持http://,而解析为http://

You will be able to see this info if you go to your facebook app canvas page with google chrome. 如果您使用google chrome进入您的Facebook应用画布页面,您将能够看到此信息。 Then hit F12 or right-click > inspect. 然后按F12或右键单击>检查。 The console will have the error log. 控制台将显示错误日志。

What you need is an https hosting 您需要的是一个https托管

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