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[英]SerializationException in C#

I have the following exception in my code in CSharp: 我在CSharp中的代码中有以下异常:

The serializer doesnt take count the serialization of generic types: System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet` 序列化程序不计算通用类型的序列化:System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet`

Here is my code which is problematic(in the class FileStreamer): 这是我的有问题的代码(在FileStreamer类中):

 public static bool SoapSave(SortedSet<T> set, string filename)
            FileStream stream = File.Create(filename);
            SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();

            formatter.Serialize(stream, set);
            return true;

Here is the following class I used in my project: 这是我在项目中使用的以下类:

The main class: 主班:

 class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            GestAuthentification ga = new Authentification () ;

             } catch (UserUnknown e) {
                 Console.WriteLine(e.Login +" est inconnu du système! on ne peut le retirer.");
             } catch (UserExists e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Login +" est déjà dans le système! on ne peut le recréer.");

             } catch (WrongPassword e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Login+" s'est trompé de password !");
             } catch (UserExists e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Login +" est déjà dans le système! on ne peut le recréer.");
             } catch (UserUnknown e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Login +" est inconnu du système! on ne peut le retirer.");

        //Until here it works
                GestAuthentification gb = new Authentification();
                Console.WriteLine("Test sauvegarde/chargement réussi !");
             } catch (UserUnknown e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Login +" est n'est plus connu. Problème de sauvegarde/chargement.");
             } catch (WrongPassword e) {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Login+" s'est trompé de password !Problème de sauvegarde/chargement."); 
             } catch (IOException e) {

Authentification.cs Authentification.cs

    public class Authentification: GestAuthentification
        private SortedSet<User> userset;

        public Authentification()
            this.userset = new SortedSet<User>();

        public void addUser(String login, String pass)
            if (userset.Count() == 0)
                User usr0 = new User(login, pass);
                Console.WriteLine(usr0._login + " a été ajoute");


                foreach (User u in userset)
                    if (u._login.Equals(login))
                        throw new UserExists(u);
                User usr = new User(login, pass);
                Console.WriteLine(usr._login + " a été ajoute");

        public void removeUser(String login)
            foreach (User u in userset)
                if (u._login.Equals(login))
                    Console.WriteLine(u._login + " a été retiré.");
            User usr = new User(login,"");
            throw new UserUnknown(usr);

        public void authentify(String login, String Pass)
            foreach (User u in userset)
                if (u._login.Equals(login)&&u._password.Equals(Pass))
                    Console.WriteLine(u._login + " a été authenthifié.");
                else if((u._login.Equals(login))&&(u._password.Equals(Pass)==false))
                    throw new WrongPassword(u);
            User usr = new User(login, "");
            throw new UserUnknown(usr);

        public void load(String path)

        public void save(String path)
            FileStreamer<User>.SoapSave(userset, path);

FileStreamer.cs FileStreamer.cs

public class FileStreamer<T>
        public static bool SoapSave(SortedSet<T> set, string filename)
            FileStream stream = File.Create(filename);
            SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();

            formatter.Serialize(stream, set);
            return true;

        public static SortedSet<T> SoapLoad(string filename)
            FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(filename);
            SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();

            SortedSet<T> set = (SortedSet<T>)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            return set;

User.cs User.cs

 public class User: IComparable<User>
        private string login;

        private string password;

        public string _login
            get{return login;}

            set {login=value;}

        public string _password
            get { return password; }
            set { password = value; }

        public User(string l, string p)
            login = l;

            password = p;

        public int CompareTo(User u)
                return 1;
            else if(login.CompareTo(u._login)==0)
                return 0;
                return -1;

So where are the problem with the serialization in my project, and how to correct it ? 那么我的项目中的序列化问题在哪里,以及如何解决呢?

Thanks. 谢谢。

You're likely to encounter any number of problems using SoapFormatter in a modern .Net context. 在现代的.Net上下文中使用SoapFormatter可能会遇到许多问题。 From the docs : 文档

Beginning with the .NET Framework 2.0, this class is obsolete. 从.NET Framework 2.0开始,该类已过时。 Use BinaryFormatter instead. 请改用BinaryFormatter。

That being said, as you have noticed, SoapFormatter does not support generics. 话虽如此,您已经注意到, SoapFormatter不支持泛型。 It does, however, support arrays , arrays having existed as far back as .Net 1. Thus you can serialize your SortedSet<T> as an array: 但是,它确实支持arrays ,早在.Net 1的数组就已经存在。因此,您可以将SortedSet<T>序列化为一个数组:

public class FileStreamer<T>
    static void SoapSave(SortedSet<T> set, Stream stream)
        var formatter = new SoapFormatter();
        formatter.Serialize(stream, set.ToArray());

    public static SortedSet<T> SoapLoad(Stream stream)
        var formatter = new SoapFormatter();
        var array = (T [])formatter.Deserialize(stream);
        return new SortedSet<T>(array);

    public static bool SoapSave(SortedSet<T> set, string filename)
        using (var stream = File.Create(filename))
            SoapSave(set, stream);
        return true;

    public static SortedSet<T> SoapLoad(string filename)
        using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
            return SoapLoad(stream);

Note SoapFormatter also requires that you mark your User class as [Serializable] : 注意SoapFormatter还要求您将User类标记为[Serializable]

public class User : IComparable<User>
    // Remainder of the class unchanged.

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