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将数组索引增加1 C#

[英]Increase an array index by 1 C#

I have an integer array that I use for counting. 我有一个用于计数的整数数组。

What is the easiest way to increase a certain index of the integer array by 1? 将整数数组的某个索引增加1的最简单方法是什么?

My code looks like this at the moment. 我的代码目前看起来像这样。

input = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
number1 = rand.Next(1, 7);
number2 = rand.Next(1, 7);
number3 = rand.Next(1, 7);

//array used to keep track of how many times a certain number has showed up
int[] counters = new int[14];

int sum = number1 + number2 + number3;

for (int i = 0; i <= input; i++)

    counters[sum] = counters[sum] + 1; //counters[sum]++;???

for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)
    richTextBox1.Text += "The number " + (i + 1) + "showed up" + counters[i] + " times\n";

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? Why can't I do: 我为什么不能做:

array[i]++;    or     array[i] = array[i] + 1; ???

EDIT for clarity. 编辑为清楚起见。

What i am trying to do: 我正在尝试做的是:

roll 3 dices as often as the user wants 根据用户需要将3个骰子滚动

sum the 3 dice rolls together (sum should be between 3 -18) and then keep a count of how often each sum showed up. 将3个骰子相加(总和应在3 -18之间),然后记下每个和解出现的频率。

Then lastly display in % how many times each number showed up. 然后最后以%显示每个数字显示多少次。

You can use linq and List to do this, see this code: 您可以使用linq和List来执行此操作,请参见以下代码:

input = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);

for(var i = 0; i < input; i++)
    number1 = rand.Next(1, 7);
    number2 = rand.Next(1, 7);
    number3 = rand.Next(1, 7);

    //array used to keep track of how many times a certain number has showed up
    int sum = number1 + number2 + number3;
    sums.Add(sum); //Where sums is a List<int>
var report = sums.GroupBy(i => i).Select(g => new { TimesShowedUp = g.Count(), Sum = g.Key });

foreach(var r in report)
    richTextBox1.Text += "The number " + r.Sum + "showed up" + r.TimesShowedUp + " times\n";

It sounds like what you actually want is the following. 听起来您真正想要的是以下内容。

Random rand = new Random();
int numberOfRolls = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
int[] counters = new int[16]; //16 different possible sums (3 to 18)

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRolls; i++)
    int sum = rand.Next(1, 7) + rand.Next(1, 7) + rand.Next(1, 7);
    counters[sum - 3]++;

for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    richTextBox1.Text += "The number " + (i + 3) + " showed up " + counters[i] + " times\n";

This take the number of times to roll from textBox1 then loops that number of times creating a sum from the 3 random numbers (1-6). 这需要从textBox1滚动的次数,然后循环该次数,以3个随机数(1-6)创建一个sum And increments a corresponding position in the array. 并增加数组中的相应位置。 Since there are 16 possibilities the array is initialed to that size and you just subtract 3 to convert from the sum to the index and then add 3 to convert back when printing. 由于存在16种可能性,因此将数组初始化为该大小,并且在打印时只需将3减去即可从总和转换为索引,然后加3即可将其转换回来。

//array used to keep track of how many times a certain number has showed up
int[] counters = new int[15];

iterations = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);

for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)
    number1 = rand.Next(1, 7);
    number2 = rand.Next(1, 7);
    number3 = rand.Next(1, 7);

    int sum = number1 + number2 + number3;


for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
    richTextBox1.Text += "The number " + (i + 3) + " showed up " + counters[i] + " times\n";

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