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[英]Port scanning germany

In uni, we are right now doing network security. 在uni中,我们现在正在做网络安全。 I live in germany. 我住在德国。 Can anyone tell me if there are any networks, that i may scan for testing/learning purposes? 谁能告诉我是否有网络可以扫描以进行测试/学习?

Are there such networks/URLs ? 是否有这样的网络/ URL? I do not want to offend anyone or get into any legal trouble. 我不想得罪任何人或陷入任何法律麻烦。 I am looking for a perfectly legal way, other than scanning my own machine. 我正在寻找一种完全合法的方法,而不是扫描自己的计算机。

Best regards 最好的祝福

I would not suggest you to scan any server from the internet. 我不建议您从互联网扫描任何服务器。 For learning purposes, its truly recommended that you create your own VMs and your own private network to play. 出于学习目的,它强烈建议您创建自己的VM和自己的专用网络进行播放。 Search on internet witch OS are most used for server and used them in stock or updated version and have fun ;). 在互联网上搜索OS最常用于服务器,并在库存或更新版本中使用它们,并很有趣;)。

Is there some hack me websites available, but again, read a lot their licenses and agreements and terms. 是否有一些可破解我的网站,但请再次阅读很多他们的许可,协议和条款。 Justo Google It "Hack me". Justo Google It“入侵我”。

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