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[英]C# Universal App: Image foreground while dragging

I have this puzzle game where I can movie pieces on the playfield. 我有一个益智游戏,可以在运动场上拍摄电影。

I recently added a touchscreen way to do that, it works, but there is an issue. 我最近添加了一种触摸屏方法来执行此操作,它可以工作,但是存在问题。 When I move an image from one place to another, the dragged image is in the background, the other images are in the foreground, I would like to have it the other way, see Screenshot. 当我将图像从一个位置移动到另一个位置时,所拖动的图像在背景中,其他图像在前景中,我想换一种方式,请参见截屏。 1 1

My delta function is this: 我的增量功能是这样的:

   public void Touch_Delta(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
        Image img_touched = (Image)sender;

        TranslateTransform _Transform = (img_touched.RenderTransform = (img_touched.RenderTransform as TranslateTransform) ?? new TranslateTransform()) as TranslateTransform;
        _Transform.X += e.Delta.Translation.X;
        _Transform.Y += e.Delta.Translation.Y;

        if(_Transform.X > 90.0)
            img_touched.RenderTransform = null;
            Move_Right(this, null);
        else if(_Transform.X < -90)
            img_touched.RenderTransform = null;
            Move_Left(this, null);
        else if (_Transform.Y > 90.0)
            img_touched.RenderTransform = null;
            Move_Down(this, null);
        else if (_Transform.Y < -90.0)
            img_touched.RenderTransform = null;
            Move_Up(this, null);

        Rotate_Touch += e.Delta.Rotation;
        if(Rotate_Touch > 55.0)
            Rotate_Right(this, null);
            Rotate_Touch = 0;
        else if(Rotate_Touch < -55.0)
            Rotate_Left(this, null);
            Rotate_Touch = 0;


The corresponding XAML is this: 相应的XAML是这样的:


    <Grid Height="1000" Width="600" Background="Black">
    <GridView ItemsSource="{Binding Splitter.PuzzlePositions}" Background="Black">
                <Border BorderBrush="#FF888E91" BorderThickness="2" Background="Black">
                    <Grid Name="picGrid" Background="Black" >
                            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
                            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
                            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"></ColumnDefinition>
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"></ColumnDefinition>
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"></ColumnDefinition>

                            <Image Source="{Binding Piece.ImageSource}" Tapped="Image_Tapped" ManipulationMode="All" CanDrag="False" Loaded="Load_Events" />

I know there is a zindex in the Windows.Canvas thing, but I haven't found something similar here. 我知道Windows.Canvas中有一个zindex,但是我在这里没有找到类似的东西。 Is there a way to do this? 有没有办法做到这一点?


Well normally if there is no z-index the elements will follow the z order they were written/generated - I guess if you try to move the 3rd element onto the 2nd one it'd be on top of it :) 正常情况下,如果没有z-index,则元素将遵循它们被写入/生成的z顺序-我猜如果您尝试将第3个元素移到第2个元素上,它就会放在它上面:)

Now without using canvas I don't think you can do this, because even the new Transform3D stuff respects the original Z order, so if you'd move one item "above" the others (translate-z: +1) it would still be drawn behind the next ones. 现在,不使用画布,我不认为您可以执行此操作,因为即使新的Transform3D素材也遵循原始的Z顺序,因此,如果将一个项目“移至”其他项目“之上”(translate-z:+1),它将仍然被吸引到下一个。

With all this: use a canvas - It's better for a game anyway ;) 所有这些:使用画布-无论如何,这对于游戏来说更好;)

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