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[英]How to pass objects into function which is optimized with hyperopt?

I'm new to hyperopt package. 我是hyperopt包的新手。 Now, I wanna optimize my LDA model which is implemented in gensim. 现在,我想优化在gensim中实现的LDA模型。 The LDA model is optimized to maximize silhouette score over training data. 优化了LDA模型,以最大化训练数据上的轮廓分数。

Now, my question is "How do I pass training-data(numpy.ndarray) to objective-function which is called from hyperopt?" 现在,我的问题是“如何将训练数据(numpy.ndarray)传递给从hyperopt调用的目标函数?” I looked tutorials and some example codes . 我看了教程和一些示例代码 They set training-data as global variable. 他们将训练数据设置为全局变量。 But in my situation, it's difficult to set training-data as global variable as they do. 但是在我的情况下,很难像它们那样将训练数据设置为全局变量。

I wrote following code to optimize LDA with hyoeropt. 我编写了以下代码,以使用hyoeropt优化LDA。 I'm stacked with the way to pass training-data to gensim_objective_function function because I'm gonna put gensim_lda_optimaze in system which calls gensim_lda_optimaze function. 我将传递训练数据到gensim_objective_function函数的方式堆叠在一起,因为我gensim_lda_optimaze放在调用gensim_lda_optimaze函数的系统中。

How to realize that? 如何实现呢?

# I want to pass training data to this function!
# gensim_lda_tuning_training_corpus, gensim_lda_tuning_num_topic, gensim_lda_tuning_word2id is what I wanna pass
def gensim_objective_function(arg_dict):
    from .gensim_lda import evaluate_clustering
    from .gensim_lda import call_lda_single
    from .gensim_lda import get_topics_ids

    alpha = arg_dict['alpha']
    eta = arg_dict['eta']
    iteration= arg_dict['iteration']
    gamma_threshold= arg_dict['gamma_threshold']
    minimum_probability= arg_dict['minimum_probability']
    passes= arg_dict['passes']
    # train LDA model
    lda_model, gensim_corpus = call_lda_single(matrix=gensim_lda_tuning_training_corpus,
                                               alpha=alpha, eta=eta,
    topic_ids = get_topics_ids(trained_lda_model=lda_model, gensim_corpus=gensim_corpus)
    labels = [t[0] for t in topic_ids]
    # get silhouette score with extracted label
    evaluation_score = evaluate_clustering(feature_matrix=gensim_lda_tuning_training_corpus, labels=numpy.array(labels))

    return -1 * evaluation_score

def gensim_lda_optimaze(feature_matrix, num_topics, word2id_dict):
    assert isinstance(feature_matrix, (ndarray, csr_matrix))
    assert isinstance(num_topics, int)
    assert isinstance(word2id_dict, dict)

    parameter_space = {
        'alpha': hp.loguniform("alpha", numpy.log(0.1), numpy.log(1)),
        'eta': hp.loguniform("eta", numpy.log(0.1), numpy.log(1)),
        'iteration': 100,
        'gamma_threshold': 0.001,
        'minimum_probability': 0.01,
        'passes': 10
    trials = Trials()

    best = fmin(

    return best

You can always use partial in python. 您始终可以在python中使用partial

from functools import partial

def foo(params, data):
  return params, data

goo = partial(foo, data=[1,2,3])

print goo('ala') 


ala [1, 2, 3]

In other words, you make a proxy function, which has data loaded as a given parameter and you ask hyperopt to optimize this new function, with data already set. 换句话说,您将创建一个代理功能,该代理功能已将数据作为给定参数加载,并要求hyperopt使用已设置的数据来优化此新功能。

thus in your case you change gensim_objective_function to be something accepting all your params: 因此,在您的情况下,您将gensim_objective_function更改为接受所有参数的内容:

def RAW_gensim_objective_function(arg_dict, gensim_lda_tuning_training_corpus, 

and create actual function to optimize by passing your data in different part of code 并创建实际功能以通过在代码的不同部分传递数据来进行优化

gensim_objective_function = partial(RAW_gensim_objective_function, 
                gensim_lda_tuning_training_corpus = YOUR_CORPUS, 
                gensim_lda_tuning_num_topic = YOUR_NUM_TOPICS,
                gensim_lda_tuning_word2id = YOUR_IDs)

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