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[英]Makefile, linking a library

I have 4 source files and 5 header files and I use the following libraries: 我有4个源文件和5个头文件,并且使用以下库:

  • SDL_gfx SDL_gfx
  • SDLmain SDLmain
  • SDL_ttf SDL_ttf

But when I try out my makefile I get the following error: 但是当我尝试我的makefile文件时,出现以下错误:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL_gfx.

This is the make file I have so far: 这是我到目前为止拥有的make文件:

The first rule links all the object files together and the other ones are responsible for creating the object files 第一条规则将所有目标文件链接在一起,其他规则负责创建目标文件

CFLAGS=-I -c -fmessage-length=0 -D_SDL_main_h -lSDL -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_gfx.
DEPS = game.h field.h cell.h allocate_field.h GUI.h
OBJ = game.o field.o allocate_field.o GUI.o 
OUTPUT = game

all: $(OBJ)
    @echo Programma aanmaken
    gcc -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS)

game.o : game.c field.h GUI.h
    @echo Bezig met game.o te compileren
    $(CC) -c -o game.o game.c

field.o : field.c allocate_field.h cell.h
    @echo Bezig met field.o te compileren
    $(CC) -c -o field.o field.c

allocate_field.o : cell.h
    @echo Bezig met allocate_field.o te compileren
    $(CC) -c -o allocate_field.o allocate_field.c

GUI.o : field.h cell.h 
    @echo Bezig met GUI.o te compileren
    $(CC) -L/home/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lSDL -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_gfx -c -o GUI.o GUI.c

.PHONY : clean  
    @echo Cleaning... Object files verwijderen  
    rm -f *.o
    rm -f $(OUTPUT)


The directory my libraries are in is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. 我的库所在的目录是/ usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu。

I tried the echo command with the directory I mentioned here above, but I cant get it to work 我在上面提到的目录中尝试了echo命令,但无法正常工作


I think you meant the dot in the CFLAGS line. 我认为您的意思是CFLAGS行中的点。 I removed it and then I got this error: 我将其删除,然后出现此错误:

undefined reference to `IMG_Load' which is one the functions of the SDL_image library

Then I also added -lSDL_image and now it works. 然后,我还添加了-lSDL_image,现在它可以工作了。

You have an extra dot. 你有一个额外的点。 Remove it. 去掉它。

there are several little 'oops' in the posted makefile. 在发布的makefile中有几个“ oops”。

Note: the := for the macro definitions, so they are only evaluated once. 注意:: :=用于宏定义,因此它们仅被评估一次。

Note: could use: SRC := $(wildcard *.c) then OBJ := $(SRC:.c=.o) to get the list of object files. 注意:可以使用: SRC := $(wildcard *.c)然后OBJ := $(SRC:.c=.o)获取目标文件列表。 However, there must not be any stray *.c files in the current directory 但是,当前目录中不得有任何杂散* .c文件

Note: library files are only needed at link time. 注意:仅在链接时需要库文件。

Note: when compiling should always enable all warnings, then fix those warnings. 注意:编译时应始终启用所有警告,然后修复这些警告。

Note: The order of items on the command line, when linking is important. 注意:链接时,命令行上项目的顺序很重要。 Always place the library path, followed by the 'short' library names last 始终放置库路径,后跟“短”库名称

Note: When ever a 'target' rule does not actually create a file with the same name, always proceed the rule with: .PHONY : target 注意:如果“目标”规则实际上未创建具有相同名称的文件,请始终使用以下规则进行处理: .PHONY : target

Note: when calling system functions, it is (almost) always better to define a macro then invoke that macro. 注意:在调用系统函数时,(几乎)总是最好先定义一个宏,然后再调用该宏。 This results in better flexibility and less chance of an error. 这样可以提高灵活性,减少出错的机会。 See the RM and CC macros for examples 有关示例,请参见RMCC宏。

Note: it is better to not define macros that will not be used: for instance the DEP macro 注意:最好不要定义将不使用的宏:例如DEP

You might want to use something similar to this for compiling and linking as it does not invoke the shell functionality echo and it results in a better looking output 您可能需要使用与此类似的内容进行编译和链接,因为它不会调用Shell功能echo并且会产生更好的输出

game.o : game.c field.h GUI.h
    # ========= START $< TO $@ =========
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I. 
    # ========= END $< TO $@ =========

By using something like: (note: gcc has a parameter that can also do this) 通过使用以下命令:(注意: gcc具有可以执行此操作的参数)

%.d: %.c 
    # ========= START $< TO $@ =========
    $(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$;                      \
    sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@;     \
    rm -f $@.$$$$
    # ========= END $< TO $@ =========

plus this: 加上这个:

%.o: %.c %.d 
    # ========= START $< TO $@ =========
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I. 
    # ========= END $< TO $@ =========

and this: (with a DEP macro) 这:(带有DEP宏)

ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean"
-include $(DEP)

then make would generate all the dependency information so it would not have to be hardcoded into the makefile and all the compile statements would collapse into a single: 然后make将生成所有依赖项信息,因此不必将其硬编码到makefile中,并且所有compile语句都将折叠为一个:

%.o: %.c %.d 
    # ========= START $< TO $@ =========
    $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I. 
    # ========= END $< TO $@ =========

The above will not make much difference for this project, but when the project contains hundreds of files, it is a MAJOR savings in time and debugging effort 上面的内容对这个项目不会有太大的影响,但是当项目包含数百个文件时,可以节省大量时间和调试精力

The proposed makefile corrects all the obvious problems and allows running by: 建议的makefile纠正了所有明显的问题,并允许通过以下方式运行:

make game
make all
or for individual file compilation
make <objectFileName>

Here is the proposed makefile 这是建议的makefile

RM     :=  /usr/bin/rm
CC     :=  /usr/bin/gcc

CFLAGS :=  -c -fmessage-length=0 -D_SDL_main_h
#a better CFLAGS would be:
#CFLAGS := -fmessage-length=0 -D_SDL_main_h -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wconversion -c

LIBS   := -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lSDL -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_gfx

# DEPS := game.h field.h cell.h allocate_field.h GUI.h
OBJ    := game.o field.o allocate_field.o GUI.o
OUTPUT := game

.PHONY : all
all: $(OUTPUT)

    @echo Programma aanmaken
    $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(LIBS)

game.o : game.c field.h GUI.h
    @echo Bezig met game.o te compileren
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I.

field.o : field.c allocate_field.h cell.h
    @echo Bezig met field.o te compileren
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I.

allocate_field.o : allocate_field.c cell.h
    @echo Bezig met allocate_field.o te compileren
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I.

GUI.o : GUI.c field.h cell.h
    @echo Bezig met GUI.o te compileren
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I.

.PHONY : clean
    @echo Cleaning... Object files verwijderen
    $(RM) -f *.o
    $(RM) -f $(OUTPUT)

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