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Python pathlib无法使用/构建路径

[英]Python pathlib cannot build path with /

I am using the library pathlib , and try to build a Path in the following way. 我正在使用库pathlib ,并尝试通过以下方式构建路径。

BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).ancestor(3)
secrets_file = BASE_DIR / 'main_app' / 'settings' / 'secrets.json'

However, when running this, I get the following error: 但是,运行此命令时,出现以下错误:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Path' and 'str'

I think I am following the syntax as defined in the pathlib documentation (but probably I am not in an obscure way). 我想我遵循的是pathlib 文档中定义的语法(但可能我不是很晦涩)。

>>> p = Path('/etc')
>>> q = p / 'init.d' / 'reboot'

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Almost certainly, you have defined a custom class called Path (or imported Path from another module). 几乎可以肯定,您已经定义了一个称为Path的自定义类(或从另一个模块导入的Path)。 In either case, that Path overshadows the one from pathlib. 无论哪种情况,该路径都会使pathlib的路径蒙上阴影。 To verify, run 要验证,请运行


to find out which module Path is coming from. 找出Path来自哪个模块。

For readability I prefer using Path.joinpath . 为了便于阅读,我更喜欢使用Path.joinpath In your case, it will be : 在您的情况下,它将是:

BASE_DIR.joinpath('main_app','settings', 'secrets.json')

Thus you can use * operator and for long lines it will be more comfortable. 因此,您可以使用*运算符,并且对于较长的行会更舒适。 Using the tools the library provided you ensures you won't run into these errors, since they handle the details for you. 使用该库提供的工具,可以确保您不会遇到这些错误,因为它们会为您处理详细信息。

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