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[英]Pass SecurityException through multiple hops of WCF services

I've got an ASP.NET MVC/WebApi application that acts as a WCF client. 我有一个充当WCF客户端的ASP.NET MVC / WebApi应用程序。 My WCF services are authorizing via ClaimsPrincipalPermission and additionally throw a SecurityException if the combination of the current user and the data does not match (eg user is trying to access data from other user). 我的WCF服务正在通过ClaimsPrincipalPermission进行授权,并且如果当前用户和数据的组合不匹配(例如,用户正在尝试从其他用户访问数据),则还会抛出SecurityException

I catch this as a SecurityAccessDeniedException in my filters and return status code 403. 我在过滤器中将其作为SecurityAccessDeniedException捕获,并返回状态代码403。

This however only works for communication that involves a single hop. 但是,这仅适用于涉及单跳的通信。 If the service itself communicates with yet another service, then the SecurityAccessDeniedException gets turned into a FaultException before it reaches the web application. 如果服务本身与另一个服务进行通信,则SecurityAccessDeniedException在到达Web应用程序之前将转换为FaultException

Example flow: 流程示例:

Web client --> Service A [SecurityException] --> [SecurityAccessDeniedException] Web

Web client --> Service A --> Service B [SecurityException] 
  --> [SecurityAccessDeniedException] Service A [FaultException] --> [FaultException] Web

I tried implementing an IErrorHandler that handles the SecurityAccessDeniedException but I cannot just throw a SecurityException there. 我尝试实现一个处理SecurityAccessDeniedExceptionIErrorHandler ,但是我不能仅仅在此处抛出SecurityException

What are my options to propagate the SecurityException up to the Web client? 我有什么选择可以将SecurityException传播到Web客户端?

Alternatively: how can I construct a message in my error handler, which the client then correctly interprets as a SecurityAccessDeniedException ? 或者:如何在错误处理程序中构造一条消息,然后客户端将其正确解释为SecurityAccessDeniedException

I'm now using an IErrorHandler which generates a corresponding FaultException . 我现在正在使用IErrorHandler ,它生成相应的FaultException On the caller, this generates yet another SecurityAccessDeniedException , which I could then handle with the same IErrorHandler etc. 在调用方上,这将生成另一个SecurityAccessDeniedException ,然后可以使用相同的IErrorHandler等进行处理。

public void ProvideFault(Exception error, MessageVersion version, ref Message message)
    if (error is SecurityAccessDeniedException)
        var code = FaultCode.CreateSenderFaultCode(

        var faultText = new FaultReasonText(error.Message, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

        var faultException = new FaultException(new FaultReason(faultText), code);
        MessageFault messageFault = faultException.CreateMessageFault();
        message = Message.CreateMessage(version, messageFault, "FailedAuthentication"); // the last parameter might not be semantically correct...

I got this idea by looking at http://leastprivilege.com/2007/11/01/wcf-and-securityaccessdeniedexception/ 我通过查看http://leastprivilege.com/2007/11/01/wcf-and-securityaccessdeniedexception/获得了这个想法

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