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[英]How to set text in Django drop down menu?

Is it possible to set a label for each item of drop down menu? 是否可以为下拉菜单的每个项目设置标签? It shows __str__ outputs from the module instances - items from table. 它显示了模块实例的__str__输出-表中的项目。

class LanguageDropDownForm(forms.Form):
    languages = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Languages.objects.all().order_by('language_shortcut'))

Models.py: Models.py:

class Languages(models.Model):
    language = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    language_shortcut = models.CharField(max_length=3)
    price_per_word = models.FloatField()

    def __str__(self):
        return 'SC: {} Lang: {} PPW: {}'.format(self.language_shortcut,self.language,self.price_per_word)

Could you give me an advice? 你能给我个建议吗?

I want for example just model.language or model.name instead of __str__ method which is useful for example in admin . 我只想使用model.languagemodel.name而不是__str__方法,例如admin

Yea. 是啊。 Just use unicode instead of what you got there. 只需使用unicode而不是您所到之处。

def __unicode__(self):

As the doc says, you should inherit the default ModelChoiceField for languages field and override label_from_instance method: 文档所述 ,您应该继承默认的语言字段的ModelChoiceField并覆盖label_from_instance方法:

class LanguageModelChoiceField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
    def label_from_instance(self, obj):
        return 'SC: {} Lang: {} PPW: {}'.format(obj.language_shortcut,

Then in your form you do: 然后以您的形式执行:

class LanguageDropDownForm(forms.Form):
    languages = LanguageModelChoiceField(queryset=Languages.objects.all().order_by('language_shortcut'))

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