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Libreoffice 将 html 转换为 xls 或 xlsx

[英]Libreoffice converting html to xls or xlsx

I am trying to use Libreoffice to convert a HTML file to XLS or XLSX format.我正在尝试使用 Libreoffice 将 HTML 文件转换为 XLS 或 XLSX 格式。

With LibreOffice running on CentOS release 6.5 (Final) I was able to convert simple html to Microsoft XLS with the following command.通过在 CentOS 6.5 版(最终版)上运行的 LibreOffice,我能够使用以下命令将简单的 html 转换为 Microsoft XLS。

soffice --headless --convert-to xls my_file.html soffice --headless --convert-to xls my_file.html

I've been testing on the latest LibreOffice without success.我一直在测试最新的 LibreOffice 但没有成功。 I'm using the following command and including the filter:我正在使用以下命令并包括过滤器:

libreoffice5.0 --headless --convert-to xls:"MS Excel 97" test.html libreoffice5.0 --headless --convert-to xls:"MS Excel 97" test.html

It returns the following.它返回以下内容。

convert /path/to/test.html -> /path/to/test.xls using filter: MS Excel 97 Overwriting: /path/to/test.xls Error: Please verify input parameters... (SfxBaseModel::impl_store failed: 0xc10)使用过滤器转换 /path/to/test.html -> /path/to/test.xls:MS Excel 97 覆盖:/path/to/test.xls 错误:请验证输入参数...(SfxBaseModel::impl_store 失败: 0xc10)

I haven't had any success in deciphering the error.我没有成功破译错误。 Any tips appreciated on using libreoffice (recent versions) to convert from HTML to XLS/XLSX appreciated... as well as other opensource tools that can accomplish the same task.任何有关使用 libreoffice(最新版本)将 HTML 转换为 XLS/XLSX 的技巧都值得赞赏……以及可以完成相同任务的其他开源工具。

No sooner do I post the question than I solve my problem.我一发布问题就解决了我的问题。

The answer, to save you the trouble in the future...答案,为你省去以后的麻烦……

libreoffice5.0 --headless --calc --convert-to xls:"MS Excel 97" test.html

Or more simply:或者更简单地说:

scalc --headless --convert-to xlsx test.html

Works perfectly and is relatively intuitive!完美运行并且相对直观!

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