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LibreOffice Writer在转换为html时在偶数页中不显示页脚

[英]LibreOffice Writer doesn't show footer in even pages when converting to html

I have an HTML form that I'm trying to convert to PDF using LibreOffice. 我有一个HTML表单,正在尝试使用LibreOffice转换为PDF。 Also i have to use footer in my document. 我也必须在文档中使用页脚。 I create a document in html format with 5 pages but only odd numbers of page show footer. 我用5页的html格式创建了一个文档,但是页面显示页脚只有奇数个。 Even numbers don't show anything. 偶数不显示任何内容。

Actually, odd number pages have footer too but don't show . 实际上,奇数页也有页脚,但不显示。 If i click mouse on footer part, it shows "+(plus)". 如果我在页脚部分单击鼠标,它将显示“ +(加号)”。 When i click, it shows footer all even pages. 当我单击时,它显示页脚所有偶数页。 I save the document and close it. 我保存并关闭文档。 Then open it again, but there is no footer in my even pages. 然后再次打开它,但是我的偶数页中没有页脚。

Hopefully, someone help me about this problem. 希望有人帮助我解决这个问题。

Footers (headers, margins, etc.) in OpenOffice are defined in page styles. OpenOffice中的页脚(页眉,边距等)以页面样式定义。

Check if you are using different (alternating?) page styles. 检查您是否使用其他(替代?)页面样式。

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