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[英]Implementation of Radix sort in Java using Nodes instead of integers

I have a final project for my Data Structures class that I can't figure out how to do. 我有一个数据结构课程的最终项目,我不知道该怎么做。 I need to implement Radix sort and I understand the concept for the most part. 我需要实现Radix排序,并且大部分时间我都了解该概念。 But all the implementations I found online so far are using it strictly with integers and I need to use it with the other Type that I have created called Note which is a string with ID parameter. 但是到目前为止,我在网上找到的所有实现都严格将其与整数配合使用,并且我需要将其与我创建的另一个Type(称为Note)结合使用,Note是一个ID参数的字符串。 Here is what I have so far but unfortunately it does not pass any JUnit test. 这是我到目前为止的内容,但是很遗憾,它没有通过任何JUnit测试。

package edu.drew.note;
public class RadixSort implements SortInterface {

     public static void Radix(Note[] note){

            // Largest place for a 32-bit int is the 1 billion's place
            for(int place=1; place <= 1000000000; place *= 10){
                // Use counting sort at each digit's place
                note = countingSort(note, place);

            //return note;

        private static Note[] countingSort(Note[] note, long place){ //Where the sorting actually happens
            Note[] output = new Note[note.length]; //Creating a new note that would be our output.

            int[] count = new int[10];  //Creating a counter

            for(int i=0; i < note.length; i++){ //For loop that calculates 
                int digit = getDigit(note[i].getID(), place);
                count[digit] += 1;

            for(int i=1; i < count.length; i++){
                count[i] += count[i-1];

            for(int i = note.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
                int digit = getDigit((note[i].getID()), place);

                output[count[digit]-1] = note[i];

            return output;


        private static int getDigit(long value, long digitPlace){  //Takes value of Note[i] and i. Returns digit.
            return (int) ((value/digitPlace ) % 10);

        public Note[] sort(Note[] s) {  //
             return s;

        //Main Method
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // make an array of notes
            Note q = new Note(" ", " ");
            Note n = new Note("CSCI 230 Project Plan", 
                    "Each person will number their top 5 choices.\n" +
                    "By next week, Dr. Hill will assign which piece\n" +
                    "everyone will work on.\n");
            n.tag("CSCI 230");
            n.tag("final project");

            Note[] Note = {q,n};
            //print out not id's
            System.out.println(Note + " Worked");
            //call radix
            //print out note_id's


Instead of 代替

public Note[] sort(Note[] s) {  //
         return s;

I should have used 我应该用过

public Note[] sort(Note[] s) {  //
        s = Radix(s);
         return s;

and change the variable type of Radix from void to Note[]. 并将Radix的变量类型从void更改为Note[].

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