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[英]Uri Scheme for Movie in the Microsoft Store

I'm developing a Windows Store app. 我正在开发Windows应用商店应用。 In the app I'm using the Groove SDK to query the Microsoft Store for movie titles. 在应用程序中,我正在使用Groove SDK来查询Microsoft Store中的电影标题。 I can get the movie I'm looking for along with all of it's meta data. 我可以获得正在寻找的电影以及所有的元数据。 How can I launch the Windows Store app to show the user the same movie as available from Microsoft? 如何启动Windows Store应用程序以向用户显示与Microsoft相同的电影?

This has been very confusing. 这一直很令人困惑。 I have a Surface with Windows 8.1. 我有一个装有Windows 8.1的Surface。 It comes with the Windows Store app, a Music app and a Video app. 它带有Windows应用商店应用程序,音乐应用程序和视频应用程序。 The Video app says "xbox video." 视频应用显示“ xbox视频”。 I've read that it has now changed to "Groove." 我已经读到它现在已更改为“凹槽”。 I've look for documentation on how to link content but have found nothing. 我一直在寻找有关如何链接内容的文档,但一无所获。

the Groove SDK APIs will return deep links to content. Groove SDK API将返回内容的深层链接。 Launch this deep link using Windows API 使用Windows API启动此深层链接

Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(myGrooveDeepLink));

Notice that you will have to add a "target=app" parameter to your uri to launch the app instead of the web site. 请注意,您必须在uri中添加“ target = app”参数才能启动应用程序而不是网站。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn546675.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/dn546675.aspx

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