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量角器中的RGB / RGBA颜色值

[英]RGB/RGBA color values in Protractor

The Story: 故事:

In several places in our test codebase we assert different CSS values to be equal to expected values. 在我们的测试代码库中的几个地方,我们断言不同的CSS值等于期望值。 Usually, this is a color , background-color , font related style properties, or cursor . 通常,这是colorbackground-colorfont相关的样式属性或cursor This question is about dealing with colors. 这个问题是关于处理颜色。

Here is an example working test that currently passes: 以下是当前通过的示例工作测试:

describe("AngularJS home page", function () {
    beforeEach(function () {

    it("should show a blue Download button", function () {
        var downloadButton = element(by.partialLinkText("Download"));

        expect(downloadButton.getCssValue("background-color")).toEqual("rgba(0, 116, 204, 1)");

It checks that the Download button on the AngularJS website has 0, 116, 204, 1 RGBA value. 它检查该AngularJS网站上的下载按钮具有0, 116, 204, 1 RGBA值。

Now, if the color would change, the test would fail as, for example: 现在,如果颜色发生变化,测试将失败,例如:

Expected 'rgba(0, 116, 204, 1)' to equal 'rgba(255, 116, 204, 1)'.

The Problems: 问题:

  • As you can see, first of all, the expectation itself is not quite readable. 正如您所看到的,首先,期望本身并不可读。 Unless we put a comment near it, it is not obvious what color are we expecting to see. 除非我们在其附近发表评论,否则我们期望看到的颜色并不明显。

  • Also, the error message is not informative. 此外,错误消息不提供信息。 It is unclear what an actual color is and what color are we expecting to see. 目前还不清楚实际的颜色是什么,我们期望看到什么颜色。

The Question: 问题:

Is it possible to improve the test itself and the error message to be more readable and informative and operate color names instead of color RGB/RGBA values ? 是否有可能改进测试本身和错误消息,使其更具可读性和信息性,并且操作颜色名称而不是颜色RGB / RGBA值

Desired expectation : 期望的期望

expect(downloadButton).toHaveBackgroundColor("midnight blue");

Desired error messages : 所需的错误消息

Expect 'blue' to equal 'black'
Expect 'dark grey' to equal 'light sea green'

Currently, I'm thinking about making a custom jasmine matcher that would convert the RGB/RGBA value to a custom Color object that would keep the original value as well as determine the closest color. 目前,我正在考虑制作一个自定义茉莉花匹配器,它将RGB/RGBA值转换为自定义Color对象,该对象将保持原始值并确定最接近的颜色。 color npm package looks very promising. color npm包看起来很有前途。

Would appreciate any hints. 非常感谢任何提示。

Protractor uses Jasmine as its testing framework by default and it provides a mechanism for adding custom expectations . Protractor默认使用Jasmine作为其测试框架,它提供了添加自定义期望的机制。

So, you could do something like this: 所以,你可以这样做:

In your protractor config file: 在您的量角器配置文件中:

var customMatchers = {
  toHaveBackgroundColor: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
      compare: function(actual, expected) {
        result.pass = util.equals(extractColor(actual), convertToRGB(expected), customEqualityTesters);
        result.message = 'Expected ' + actual + ' to be color ' + expected';


function convertToRGB(color) {
  // convert a named color to rgb

function extractColor(domElement) {
  // extract background color from dom element

And to use it: 并使用它:

expect(downloadButton).toHaveBackgroundColor("midnight blue");

I haven't tried this out, but this is the basic idea of what you need. 我没有试过这个,但这是你需要的基本想法。

I got a working answer based on @Andrew and @Manasov recommendations. 我得到了基于@Andrew和@Manasov建议的工作答案。

So the custom expectation would be like this: 所以自定义的期望是这样的:

var nameColor = require('name-that-color/lib/ntc');
var rgbHex = require('rgb-hex');

toHaveColor: function() {
    return {
        compare: function (elem, color) {
            var result = {};
            result.pass = elem.getCssValue("color").then(function(cssColor) {
                var hexColor = rgbHex(cssColor);
                var colorName = nameColor.name('#' + hexColor.substring(0, 6).toUpperCase());
                result.message = "Expect '" + colorName[1] + "' to equal '" + color + "'";
                return colorName[1] === color;
            return result;

We need to first install the necessary packages: 我们需要先安装必要的包:

npm install name-that-color
npm install rgb-hex

We first need to convert the rgb color into hex. 我们首先需要将rgb颜色转换为十六进制。 Also we have to remove the alpha from the color for name-that-color to actually match it against a color name, it can be removed from the hex conversion. 此外,我们必须从name-that-color颜色的颜色中删除alpha以实际匹配颜色名称,它可以从hex转换中删除。

Now we can just simple call it like: 现在我们可以简单地称之为:

expect(downloadButton).toHaveColor("midnight blue");

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