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[英]Get class object pointer from inside a static method called directly

I have the following class, for example in a header: 我有以下类,例如在标题中:

class Uart
    Uart (int ch, int bd = 9600, bool doinit = false);
    static void isr (void);

The idea is this class represents USART hardware, the same way as SPI, RTC etc and I set the address of static member isr as interrupt vector routine during runtime. 想法是此类表示USART硬件,与SPI,RTC等相同,我在运行时将静态成员isr的地址设置为中断向量例程。
For example like this 像这样

extern "C"
  Uart::isr (void)
    if ( USART1->SR & USART_SR_RXNE) //receive
    short c = USART2->DR;
    USART1->DR = c;
    else if ( USART1->SR & USART_SR_TC) //transfer

And set it as a interrupt vector, for example 并将其设置为中断向量,例如

_vectors_[USART1_IRQn + IRQ0_EX] = (word) &dbgout.isr;

So each time this "callback" routine is called by CPU I want to get access to it's "parent" object to save and/or manipulate the received data in userfriendly manner. 因此,每次CPU调用此“回调”例程时,我都希望访问它的“父”对象,以便以用户友好的方式保存和/或操作接收到的数据。
Is it possible at all? 有可能吗? Maybe somehow organize the class or whatever. 也许以某种方式组织班级或其他活动。
The architecture is strictly 32bit (ARM, gcc) 架构严格为32位(ARM,gcc)

Static methods know nothing about the object. 静态方法对对象一无所知。

You need a different approach: 您需要一种不同的方法:

// Create interrupt handler method (non-static!)
void Uart::inthandler() {
    // whatever is needed here

// Create object
Uart* p = new Uart(...);

// Create interrupt handler function
void inthandler() {
    if (p != NULL) {

// Install the interrupt handler function
InstallIntHandler(IRQ, inthandler);

It's just a principle that has to be adapted to your specific environment. 这只是必须适应您的特定环境的原则。

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