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开源版本的Git API

[英]Git API for open source version

Is there a git API/rest which I can use to determine open source version? 我可以使用git API / rest确定开源版本吗?
I mean I'll send the open source name and I'll get the current version of it. 我的意思是,我将发送开源名称,并获取其最新版本。

Or better if possible :) Since we are using some open sources in our project I want to create some program/script which provide the open source names and version and find if there is new for minor or major update. 如果可能的话,最好是更好的方法:)由于我们在项目中使用了一些开放源代码,因此我想创建一些提供开放源代码名称和版本的程序/脚本,并查找是否有用于次要或主要更新的新程序。

That is what VersionEye is doing. 那就是VersionEye在做什么。

And it has its own REST API 而且它有自己的REST API

For example: https://www.versioneye.com/api/v2/products/c/git%2Fgit/versions?api_key=Log+in+to+get+your+own+api+token 例如: https : //www.versioneye.com/api/v2/products/c/git%2Fgit/versions?api_key=Log+in+to+get+your+own+api+token

Response Body: 响应主体:

  "name": "git",
  "language": "c",
  "prod_key": "git/git",
  "version": "2.6.4",
  "prod_type": "GitHub",
  "versions": [
      "version": "2.3.0-rc2",
      "released_at": "2015-01-27T22:39:53.000+00:00",
      "released_string": "2015-01-27 22:39:53 UTC"
      "version": "2.3.0-rc1",
      "released_at": "2015-01-21T01:35:41.000+00:00",
      "released_string": "2015-01-21 01:35:41 UTC"

It is actually free for opensource, and not free for private repos . 实际上,它对于开源是免费的, 对于私有存储库不是免费的

It is the only one I know which monitors all opensource. 据我所知,这是唯一可以监视所有开源程序的程序。
You have other referentials usually dedicated to a language, like for instance godoc.org (for the golang opensource projects), with its own API , but limited to a language. 您还有其他通常专用于某种语言的引用,例如godoc.org (用于golang开源项目),具有自己的API ,但仅限于某种语言。

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