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[英]Accessing javascript open source API

how can i communicate with Mega.co.nz? 我如何与Mega.co.nz交流? They claim that they are using a open source java-script project that we (developers) can use to communicate with their server. 他们声称他们正在使用一个开放源Java脚本项目,我们(开发人员)可以使用该项目与服务器进行通信。 But how does someone begin? 但是,某人如何开始? I would really appreciate if i can get some tips on this. 如果能得到一些提示,我将不胜感激。


As it states on the mega.co.nz developer page the API specification has not been documented yet. 正如在mega.co.nz开发人员页面上指出的那样,API规范尚未记录。 You would have to reverse engineer the HTML and javascript on the site to learn how to use it. 您必须对网站上的HTML和javascript进行反向工程,以了解如何使用它们。 Or wait until full documentation is available. 或等到完整的文档可用。

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