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带&&运算符的C ++函数返回

[英]C++ Function Return with && Operator

I'm looking through a library, and I see this function: 我正在浏览一个库,看到了以下功能:

bool CCAPI::IsConnected() const
    int state;
    int res = CCAPIGetConnectionStatus(&state);
    return (res == CCAPI_OK) && state;

Specifically, what does this last line mean? 具体来说,这最后一行是什么意思? It looks to me like it's returning two variables as it's using the && operator. 在我看来,它正在使用&&运算符返回两个变量。 So what's going on here? 那么这是怎么回事?

It is going to return a single bool , like the function says it will. 它将返回一个bool ,就像函数说的那样。

The operator && is logical AND , so if res == CCAPI_OK and state != 0 then it will return true . 运算符&&是逻辑AND ,因此,如果res == CCAPI_OKstate != 0则它将返回true In this case state is being implicitly converted to bool for the && operation. 在这种情况下, state将被&&操作隐式转换为bool

Operator && is Logical AND , could be written as and too. 运算符&&逻辑AND ,也可以写为and

The logical operators apply logic functions (NOT, AND, and inclusive OR) to boolean arguments (or types contextually-convertible to bool), with a boolean result. 逻辑运算符将逻辑函数(NOT,AND和内含OR)应用于布尔参数(或上下文可转换为bool的类型),并得到布尔结果。

So the last statement will return the operation result with type bool . 因此,最后一条语句将返回类型为bool的运算结果。

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