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[英]Extract Date from excel and append it in a list using python

I have an column in excel which has dates in the format ''17-12-2015 19:35". How can I extract the first 2 digits as integers and append it to a list? In this case I need to extract 17 and append it to a list. Can it be done using pandas also? 我在excel中有一列,其日期格式为“ 17-12-2015 19:35”。如何将前两位数字提取为整数并将其附加到列表中?在这种情况下,我需要提取17和将其添加到列表中,也可以使用熊猫吗?

Code thus far: 到目前为止的代码:

import pandas as pd
Location = r'F:\Analytics Materials\files\paymenttransactions.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(Location)
time = df['Creation Date'].tolist()
print (time)

You could extract the day of each timestamp like 您可以提取每个时间戳记的日期,例如

from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

location = r'F:\Analytics Materials\files\paymenttransactions.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(location)

timestamps = df['Creation Date'].tolist()
dates = [datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M') for timestamp in timestamps]
days = [date.strftime('%d') for date in dates]


The '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M' and '%d' bits are format specififers, that describe how your timestamp is formatted. '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M''%d'位是格式说明符,用于描述时间戳的格式。 See eg here for a complete list of directives. 请参阅此处的指令完整列表。

datetime.strptime parses a string into a datetime object using such a specifier. datetime.strptime使用这样的说明符将字符串解析为datetime对象。 dates will thus hold a list of datetime instances instead of strings. dates将因此包含datetime实例列表,而不是字符串。

datetime.strftime does the opposite: It turns a datetime object into string, again using a format specifier. datetime.strftime作用与此相反:再次使用格式说明符将datetime对象转换为字符串。 %d simply instructs strftime to only output the day of a date. %d仅指示strftime仅输出日期中的日期。

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