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[英]Set transform origin property X and Y coordinates

Set transform origin property X and Y coordinates struggling to set transform origin property from javascript for both axis. 设置转换原点属性X和Y坐标时遇到困难,因此无法通过JavaScript为两个轴设置转换原点属性。

so from javascript: object.style.transformOrigin = valueX valueY; 所以从javascript: object.style.transformOrigin = valueX valueY;

Unfortunately, it doesnt work... if i set 2 values it doesnt work.. if i set only 1 value, the valueX is changed only. 不幸的是,它不起作用...如果我设置2个值,它将不起作用..如果我仅设置1个值,则valueX仅会更改。

What i have done: 我做了什么:

newClasses.style.transformOrigin = scaleOrigPoint + "px"; // sets only for valueX
newClasses.style.transformOrigin = (scaleOrigPoint + "px") + (scaleOrigPointY + "px"); // sets only for valueY
newClasses.style.transformOrigin = (scaleOrigPoint + "px") , (scaleOrigPointY + "px"); // doesnt set anything + ERROR
newClasses.style.transformOrigin = (scaleOrigPoint + "px") (scaleOrigPointY + "px"); // doesnt set anything + ERROR
newClasses.style.transformOrigin = [scaleOrigPoint]px; // doesnt set anything + ERROR

And many many other ways... Somethimes it changes the valueY only... 还有许多其他方式...某些东西仅改变了值Y ...

Question: 题:

Is there a way to set bot valueX and valueY for transform origin property using javascript only ? 有没有一种方法可以使用javascript将bot valueX和valueY设置为变换原点属性?


newClasses.style.transformOrigin = scaleOrigPoint + "px " + scaleOrigPointY + "px";

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