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如何以编程方式在Windows 10资源管理器的导航窗格中创建指向文件夹的链接

[英]How to create link to folder in navigation pane of Windows 10 explorer programmatically

After reading that it is not possible to create an entry in quick access area of the windows 10 explorer programmatically at the moment i wanted to ask if there is a possibility with an API function or via registry to create a link to a folder in the navigation pane like Dropbox does after installation? 读完后,无法以编程方式在Windows 10资源管理器的快速访问区域中创建条目,我想问一下是否有可能使用API​​函数或通过注册表在导航中创建指向文件夹的链接像Dropbox这样的窗格在安装后会完成吗?


Thanks in advance for your help 在此先感谢您的帮助

Little bit late, but its working fine for me, That's why adding an answer: 有点晚了,但是对我来说很好用,这就是为什么要添加答案的原因:

Toy can follow the instructions furnished in this Post: Creating a Link in the Left Pane of the File Explorer - like OneDrive or DropBox , Copy those registry entries and save it as a file with .reg extension and execute that file from your application if you need to change it from application. 玩具可以按照本文中提供的说明进行操作: Creating a Link in the Left Pane of the File Explorer - like OneDrive or DropBox ,复制这些注册表项并将其保存为带有.reg扩展名的文件,并从应用程序中执行该文件(如果您需要从应用程序更改它。 or else run that reg file from your system for Applying the changes. 或者从您的系统运行该reg文件以应用更改。

For running registry files you can use the following code: 对于运行注册表文件,您可以使用以下代码:

Process regeditProcess = Process.Start("regedit.exe", "/s yourRegistryFile.reg");


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