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如何创建指向存储在Internet /云中但在Windows资源管理器中显示为“本地文件”的文件的链接?

[英]How to create a link to a file stored in internet / cloud but appears as a 'local file' in Windows Explorer?

Similar to OneDrive's "Files On-Demand" as well as DropBox's "Smart Sync" functionality, I am curious how to create a file that appears to be on local disk normally but is actually linked / stored in the internet or cloud. OneDrive的“按需文件”以及DropBox的“智能同步”功能相似,我很好奇如何创建一个看上去通常位于本地磁盘上但实际上已链接/存储在Internet或云中的文件。

I think this is different from .lnk or .url files as they retain the following even if they are stored on the cloud: 我认为这与.lnk或.url文件不同,因为即使它们存储在云中,它们也保留以下内容:

  • filetype (.pdf, .xlsx, etc.) 文件类型(.pdf,.xlsx等)
  • location on disk (eg folder path) 磁盘上的位置(例如文件夹路径)
  • size (original file size though size on disk is 0 ) 大小(尽管磁盘大小为0,但原始文件大小)
  • file icon 文件图标

Is there another type of file or any metadata that tells Explorer that a particular file should be retrieved from the internet when it is accessed? 是否存在另一种类型的文件或任何元数据,告诉资源管理器在访问特定文件时应从互联网上检索该文件?

I don't know how the others do it but if I was creating something like this I'd have my client program create the dummy 0 size files with a unique extension that I have registered to my program then when the user double clicks on it, window will try to open the file with my program and I read the file name and do the work to download the file to some temp folder so the user can view it. 我不知道其他人是怎么做的,但是如果我正在创建类似的东西,我会让我的客户端程序创建一个虚拟的0大小的文件,该文件具有我已经注册到程序中的唯一扩展名,然后当用户双击它时,窗口将尝试使用我的程序打开文件,然后我读取文件名,并进行工作以将文件下载到某个临时文件夹中,以便用户查看。

Further you could monitor the temp folder so that if the user saves any changes you could upload those changes to your cloud location. 此外,您可以监视temp文件夹,以便如果用户保存任何更改,则可以将这些更改上载到您的云位置。

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