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[英]R - Cumulative sum of absolute differences based on other column and row

My data has the following format: 我的数据具有以下格式:

  • first column: indication if the machine is running 第一列:指示机器是否正在运行
  • second column: Coordinate to indicate the distance that the machine is running 第二列:坐标以指示机器运行的距离

See here below the dataset: 请参阅下面的数据集:

structure(c("", "", "running", "running", "running", "running", 
"running", "running", "running", "", "504", "678", "268", "475", 
"675", "796", "745", "693", "665", "488"), .Dim = c(10L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
    NULL, c("e", "f")))

I would like to add a third column that gives the total distance that the machine has been running (by adding all the absolute differences since the machine started to run). 我想添加第三列,以给出机器已经运行的总距离(通过添加自机器开始运行以来的所有绝对差值)。 See here below the desired output: 请参阅以下所需的输出:

   e         f     Output
 [1,] ""        "504" ""    
 [2,] ""        "678" ""    
 [3,] "running" "268" "0"   
 [4,] "running" "475" "207" 
 [5,] "running" "675" "407" 
 [6,] "running" "796" "528" 
 [7,] "running" "745" "579" 
 [8,] "running" "693" "631" 
 [9,] "running" "665" "659" 
[10,] ""        "488" "" 

I tried to write some code in R to get this in an elegant way, but my programming skills are too limited for the moment. 我试图用R编写一些代码来以一种优雅的方式来获得它,但是目前我的编程技能太有限了。 Is there anybody that knows a solution for this problem? 有谁知道解决这个问题的方法吗? Thank you on beforehand! 预先谢谢您!

Actually I have to confess I did not fully understand your question... 其实我不得不承认我没有完全理解你的问题。

Do you mean something like this? 你的意思是这样吗?

a <- c("", "", "running", "running", "running", "running", 
  "running", "running", "running", "", "504", "678", "268", "475", 
  "675", "796", "745", "693", "665", "488")

a <- data.frame(matrix(a, ncol=2), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
a[,2] <- as.numeric(a[,2])

subs.a <- subset(a, X1=='running')

this returns 这回来

  [1] 207 200 121  51  52  28
  [1] 207 407 528 579 631 659

inserting it into the data.frame : 将其插入到data.frame

a[a$X1=='running', 'CumSum'] <- c(0,cumsum(abs(diff(subs.a$X2))))

This gives you the desired data frame: 这为您提供了所需的数据帧:

df <- data.frame(structure(c("", "", "running", "running",     "running",     "running", 
        "running", "running", "running", "", "504", "678", "268", "475", 
        "675", "796", "745", "693", "665", "488"), .Dim = c(10L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
          NULL, c("e", "f"))), stringsAsFactors = F)

runs <- df$e == "running"

df$f <- as.numeric(df$f)
diff <- abs(diff(df$f[runs]))
df$Output[runs] <- 0
df$Output[runs][-1] <- cumsum(diff)

You get: 你得到:

         e   f Output
1          504     NA
2          678     NA
3  running 268      0
4  running 475    207
5  running 675    407
6  running 796    528
7  running 745    579
8  running 693    631
9  running 665    659
10         488     NA

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