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[英]Issue manipulating appended html elements

I saw some similar questions but still can't get it. 我看到了一些类似的问题,但仍然无法解决。

$(function () {
  var csrf = $('input[name=_token]').val();
       async: false,
       url: "../public/currentfile",                   
       dataType: 'json',
       data: {"_token": csrf},
       complete: function(data) {
            var created_at = data.responseJSON['created_at'];
            var filesize = data.responseJSON['filesize'];
            var filename = data.responseJSON['filename'];
            var fileid = data.responseJSON['fileid'];
            $("#results .toBeSelected").prepend("<tr class='tabledata newdata'><td>" + fileid + "</td><td>" + filename + "</td><td>" + filesize + "</td><td>" + created_at + "</td></tr>");

This is the AJAX request that prepends the html. 这是前置html的AJAX请求。 In a separate file i'm using a JS context menu. 在一个单独的文件中,我正在使用JS上下文菜单。 But what ever the user clicks from the context menu it does not affect the prepended html. 但是,无论用户从上下文菜单中单击什么,都不会影响前置的html。 How can I manipulate the new html element? 如何处理新的html元素? I've read something about .on() . 我已经阅读了有关.on()

The output HTML is a table row. 输出的HTML是一个表格行。 When a user right-clicks the newly added table row this AJAX should execute: 当用户右键单击新添加的表行时,此AJAX应该执行:

function getImage(){
    var classElements = document.querySelectorAll("tr.ui-selected td.filename");
    var csrf = $('input[name=_token]').val();

    var result;
    result = classElements[0].innerHTML;
        async: true,                      
        method: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        url: '../public/selecteduserfiles',
        data: {filename: result, "_token": csrf},
        complete: function(response) {
            $("img.getImage").attr('src', response.responseJSON);                

Instead of a string, you can make a DOM object with all properties and attributes you need and then append/prepend them: 您可以使用所需的所有属性和属性来制作一个DOM对象,而不是字符串,然后附加/添加它们:

var domObj = $('<tr/>')
                 .addClass('tabledata newdata')
                 .append('<td>" + fileid + "</td><td>" + filename + "</td><td>" + filesize + "</td><td>" + created_at + "</td>')
                 .on('click', function() { /* do something */ });
$("#results .toBeSelected").prepend(domObj);

The on() is called event delegation. on()称为事件委托。

Description: Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements. 说明:将一个或多个事件的事件处理程序功能附加到所选元素。

If you want to attach click event to the new elements added by javascript then you deal with fresh DOM and you should use event delegation. 如果要将click事件附加到javascript添加的新元素上,则需要处理新的DOM,并且应该使用事件委托。

Example bellow attach click event to the new row with class tabledata : 以下示例将click事件附加到具有tabledata类的新行:

$( "body" ).on( "click", ".tabledata", function() {
    //Your code here

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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