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[英]ListView as Grouped in Xamarin.Forms

I am trying to implement Expandable List View in Xamarin.Forms , Since there is not inbuilt control, I am using simple List View and using it as Grouped. 我试图在Xamarin.Forms中实现Expandable List View ,因为没有内置控件,所以我使用简单的List View并将其作为Grouped使用。 But I am not able find control of Header Tap event . 但是我找不到Header Tap事件的控件。

Is there such a tap event ? 有这样的点击事件吗?

Other possibilities of making Expandable List View in Forms ? 在表单中制作可扩展列表视图的其他可能性?

I have tried below code by using GestureRecognizer but tapping is not being captured. 我通过使用GestureRecognizer尝试了以下代码,但未捕获点击。

lstView : List View with header as grouped. lstView:列出标题分组的列表视图。

Content = new StackLayout { 
                Children = {lstView}
            var tap = new TapGestureRecognizer ();

            Content.GestureRecognizers.Add (tap);
            tap.Tapped += (object sender, EventArgs e) => 
                var x = e;

The group-item has no built in Tap-event. 该群组项目没有内置的Tap-Event。 The only way you can achive this, is by creating your own control for your group-template. 达到此目的的唯一方法是为组模板创建自己的控件。

In this custom control you can add a GestureRecognizer for tap Events. 在此自定义控件中,您可以为点击事件添加GestureRecognizer。 You can also implement a property on which you can bind to (from your XAML). 您还可以实现一个属性,您可以在该属性上进行绑定(从XAML)。 I can't give you a code-example, because I don't tried it yet (sorry for that). 我不能给你一个代码示例,因为我还没有尝试过(很抱歉)。

But with the infos here , you should be able to do this. 但是有了这里信息 ,您应该可以做到这一点。 I also found a thread in the Xamarin Forum , which describes the Problem you describe here (no soulition so far, but the infos maybe bring you to the right direction). 我还在Xamarin论坛中找到了一个线程,该线程描述了您在此处描述的问题(到目前为止尚无灵魂,但相关信息可能会将您带向正确的方向)。

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