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ListView as Grouped in Xamarin.Forms

I am trying to implement Expandable List View in Xamarin.Forms , Since there is not inbuilt control, I am using simple List View and using it as Grouped. But I am not able find control of Header Tap event .

Is there such a tap event ?

Other possibilities of making Expandable List View in Forms ?

I have tried below code by using GestureRecognizer but tapping is not being captured.

lstView : List View with header as grouped.

Content = new StackLayout { 
                Children = {lstView}
            var tap = new TapGestureRecognizer ();

            Content.GestureRecognizers.Add (tap);
            tap.Tapped += (object sender, EventArgs e) => 
                var x = e;

The group-item has no built in Tap-event. The only way you can achive this, is by creating your own control for your group-template.

In this custom control you can add a GestureRecognizer for tap Events. You can also implement a property on which you can bind to (from your XAML). I can't give you a code-example, because I don't tried it yet (sorry for that).

But with the infos here , you should be able to do this. I also found a thread in the Xamarin Forum , which describes the Problem you describe here (no soulition so far, but the infos maybe bring you to the right direction).

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