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在codeigniter mysql中的选择查询中使用多个IF条件查找sum()

[英]find sum() using multiple IF condition in select query in codeigniter mysql

I have a table containing details of a sale.here is my table: 我有一张包含销售详情的表。这是我的表:


    id      product_name    net_price   quantity    tax_id
    1       Pen             50          1               2

    2       Pencil          50          2               2       

    3       Book            100         1               3

    4       Table           10          1               3

    5       Box             50          3               2           

    6       Monitor         200         1               3

    7       Laptop          200         1               2

    8       Mouse           300         1               3

My task is to write a query such that I have to find the total sum of (net_price*quantity) for a particular ID.that is 我的任务是编写一个查询,以便我必须找到特定ID的总和(net_price*quantity)

 SUM(net_price*quantity) if tax_id==2 


SUM(net_price*quantity) if tax_id==3 

Is it possible to achieve this by writing a single select query with IF ? 是否可以通过使用IF编写单个选择查询来实现? At present I am finding this in a messy way.. Can anyone help me with this? 目前,我正以一种混乱的方式找到它。有人可以帮助我吗? I am using Codeigniter MySql. 我正在使用Codeigniter MySql。

Edit 1 编辑1

In my question I have given only a part of my problem. 在我的问题中,我只给出了部分问题。 Here I am giving my actual problem and the ways I tried to sort it out. 在这里,我给出了我的实际问题以及尝试解决该问题的方法。

I have 2 tables: sales and sale_items . 我有2个表: salessale_items Table sale contains details about a sale and sale_items contains details about the products which have been saled. 表销售包含有关销售的详细信息,而销售项目包含有关已销售产品的详细信息。 For an entry in sale table there would be one or more entry in sale_items table. 对于sale表中的一项, sale_items表中将有一个或多个条目。 id in sale table and sale_id in sale_items table match for a particular sale. sale表中的idsale_id表中的sale_items匹配特定的销售。 And my task is to generate a report in excel sheet. 我的任务是在Excel工作表中生成报告。

Each product in sale_items table for a particular sale, has a tax applied. 特定销售的sale_items表中的每个产品都需要缴税。 That is In a sale, one product may have a tax@5% and another product with tax@14.5%. 也就是说,在销售中,一种产品的税率为5%,而另一种产品的税率为14.5%。 tax applied for a product is identified using tax_id . 使用tax_id标识应用于产品的tax_id In the excel sheet I have fields: sale@5%, output@5%, sale@14.5%, output@14.5% 在Excel工作表中,我有以下字段: sale@5%, output@5%, sale@14.5%, output@14.5%

sale is calculated as: sale=net_price*quantity and output=item_tax Here I am trying to fill these columns. sale的计算公式为: sale=net_price*quantityoutput=item_tax在这里,我试图填充这些列。 Here is my code I have tried so far: 到目前为止,这是我尝试过的代码:

table sales 表销售

    id     cust_id     total_price      
    1       1           1000        

    2       2           1500

table sale_items 桌子sale_items

    id     sales_id     cust_id     product     quantity    net_price   item_tax    tax_id
    1       2           2           pen             2       1000        200         3

    2       2           2           pencil          3       1500        250         2   

    3       2           2           book            2       2000        200         3

    4       2           2           Box             2       1500        150         2

table tax_rates 表tax_rates

    tax_id     tax_rate         
    2            tax@5%                 

    3            tax@14.5%     


        function testexcel($pdf = NULL, $xls = NULL)

        $dateTmp = "DATE_FORMAT(".$this->db->dbprefix('sales').".date,'%m/%Y')";
        $condition = "if(".$this->db->dbprefix('sales').".biller_id = 5, 'A', if(".$this->db->dbprefix('sales').".biller_id = 6, 'B',if(".$this->db->dbprefix('sales').".biller_id = 7,'C','D'  )))";       

        if ($pdf || $xls) {
        ->select("date, ".$this->db->dbprefix('warehouses').".name, 
        CONCAT(".$this->db->dbprefix('warehouses').".name,'-',".$dateTmp.",'-', ".$condition.",".$this->db->dbprefix('sales').".invoice_no) as month," ." biller, customer,
        scan_no,unit_price,if(tax_rate_id=2,item_tax,0) as taxId1,if(tax_rate_id=4,item_tax,0) as taxId2 ,
        tin,cin,cst,total_discount, item_tax, shipping,subtotal,payment_status,sales.id as saleid,total_items,total,biller_id,tax_rate_id,grand_total", FALSE)
        ->join('sale_items', 'sale_items.sale_id=sales.id', 'left')
        ->join('companies','companies.id=sales.customer_id', 'left')
        ->join('warehouses', 'warehouses.id=sales.warehouse_id', 'left')
        ->order_by('sales.date desc');

        $q = $this->db->get();

        if ($q->num_rows() > 0) {
        foreach (($q->result()) as $row) {
        $data[] = $row;
        } else {
        $data = NULL;
        if (!empty($data)) 
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('A1', lang('date'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('B1', lang('branch'));

        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('C1', lang('invoice_no'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('D1', lang('biller'));

        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('E1', lang('customer'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('F1', lang('tin'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('G1', lang('cin'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('H1', lang('cst'));

        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('I1', lang('scan_no'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('J1', lang('product_qty'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('K1', lang('quantity'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('L1', lang('prod_price'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('M1', lang('sales_5%'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('N1', lang('output_5%'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('O1', lang('sales_14.5%'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('P1', lang('output_14.5%'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('Q1', lang('scanning_charge'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('R1', lang('sales_0%'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('S1', lang('discount')); 
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('T1', lang('shipping'));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('U1', lang('total'));

        $row = 2;
        $total = 0;
        $paid = 0;
        $balance = 0;
        $quantity= 0;
        $prdt_price = 0;

        foreach ($data as $data_row) {
        $this->db->select("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT  product_name) as products")
        $q1 = $this->db->get();
        if ($q1->num_rows() > 0)
        foreach (($q1->result()) as $row1) 
        $products = $row1->products;
        $q2 = $this->db->get();
        if ($q2->num_rows() > 0)
        foreach (($q2->result()) as $row2) /**here am finding the sale@14.5% and sale@5%***/

        $taxid=$row2->tax_rate_id;     //getting the tax_id of a product

        //Based on tax_id calculating sale@% and output@%
        $sale5+=$netprice*$qty;    /***Adding the sum to a variable ****/
        else if($taxid==3)

        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('A' . $row, $this->sma->hrld($data_row->date));
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('B' . $row, $data_row->name);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('C' . $row, $data_row->month);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('D' . $row, $data_row->biller);

        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('E' . $row, $data_row->customer);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('F' . $row, $data_row->tin);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('G' . $row, $data_row->cin);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('H' . $row, $data_row->cst);                
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('I' . $row, $data_row->scan_no);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('J' . $row, $products);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('K' . $row, $data_row->total_items);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('L' . $row, $data_row->total);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('M' . $row, $sale5);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('N' . $row, $output5);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('O' . $row, $sale145);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('P' . $row, $output145);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('Q' . $row, $scanning_charge);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('R' . $row, $sale0);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('S' . $row, $discount); 
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('T' . $row, $data_row->shipping);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('U' . $row, $data_row->grand_total);

        $total += $data_row->subtotal;
        $paid += $data_row->item_tax;
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle("L" . $row . ":M" . $row)->getBorders()
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('Q' . $row, $total);
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('O' . $row, $paid);






        $filename = 'sales_report';

        if ($xls) {
        $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('E2:E' . $row)->getAlignment()->setWrapText(true);
        header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $filename . '.xls"');
        header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
        $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($this->excel, 'Excel5');

        $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('nothing_found'));


but when I calculate the sale@5% and sale@14.5% i am getting weird results.. Can anyone help me..? 但是当我计算出sale @ 5%和sale@14.5%时,我得到的结果很奇怪。有人可以帮助我吗? Hope You got my question. 希望你能回答我的问题。 Am using codeigniter mysql. 我正在使用codeigniter mysql。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

您可以在if条件中使用OR ,例如

if(tax_id = '2' OR tax_id = '3',SUM(net_price*quantity),net_price) as summation

If you want total amount one by one the use below code or if you want total amount for only id 2 and 3 then use where_in instead of where and change row_object to result_object . 如果您希望使用下面的代码一对一地汇总总额,或者如果您只希望ID 2和3汇总总额,则使用where_in而不是where并将row_object更改为result_object

    $this->db->select('SUM(net_price*quantity) as total_amount');
    $res = $this->db->get();
    if($res->num_rows() > 0)
        return $res->result();
         return false;

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