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Laravel Wsod(死亡白屏)在Godaddy托管上

[英]Laravel wsod (white screen of death) on godaddy hosting

I'm developing a laravel 5.1 application which is working absolutely fine on my localhost. 我正在开发一个laravel 5.1应用程序,该应用程序在我的本地主机上运行完全正常。 But when I deploy it to GoDaddy's shared hosting, it gives a blank white page on opening the domain. 但是,当我将其部署到GoDaddy的共享主机时,在打开域时会出现空白页。

I have followed this tutorial to upload to the server. 我已按照本教程上载到服务器。 http://www.nickmarriotti.com/blog/deploying-laravel-5-project-to-godaddy http://www.nickmarriotti.com/blog/deploying-laravel-5-project-to-godaddy

How can I resolve this error problem? 如何解决此错误问题? Any help will be appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks 谢谢

This is one of the most common installation errors caused by invalid permissions. 这是无效权限引起的最常见的安装错误之一。 Please login via ssh to your server and run this command to fix it. 请通过ssh登录到您的服务器,然后运行此命令进行修复。

chmod -R 777 LARAVEL/storage

Here LARAVEL is the path to your laravel installation in Laravel 5.* , while as for Laravel 4.* , LARAVEL will be path/to/laravel/app , as storage resides inside app directory in Laravel 4.* installations. 这里LARAVEL是您在Laravel 5.*安装LARAVEL的路径,而对于Laravel 4.* ,由于storage位于Laravel 4.*安装中的app目录中,因此LARAVEL将是path/to/laravel/app

Kindly check the file permissions. 请检查文件权限。 Generally this issue comes when file permissions are not as it should be. 通常,当文件权限不正确时,就会出现此问题。 Better call the GoDaddy customer care and they will run a quick check and will tell you if there is any problem with file permissions. 最好致电GoDaddy客户服务中心,他们将进行快速检查,并告诉您文件权限是否存在问题。

Also, GoDaddy Server, I mean CPanel by default supports a lower PHP Version. 另外,GoDaddy服务器,我的意思是CPanel默认支持较低的PHP版本。 Where as New versions of laravel requires PHP >= 5.5.9. 其中,新版本的laravel需要PHP> = 5.5.9。 Kindly tell GoDaddy guys to upgrade your Server PHP version. 请告诉GoDaddy家伙升级您的Server PHP版本。

Follow these two steps and you should be fine. 遵循以下两个步骤,就可以了。

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