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大型HTML显示空白页面(WSOD - 白屏死机) - PHP

[英]Large HTML shows empty page (WSOD - White screen of death) - PHP

I am having a two dimensional PHP array which I need to iterate and show the array data in HTML controls. 我有一个二维PHP数组,我需要迭代并在HTML控件中显示数组数据。 Array is huge (about 2500 rows and 25 columns for each row), it renders around 10MB web page (on my local system). 数组是巨大的(每行大约2500行和25列),它渲染大约10MB的网页(在我的本地系统上)。 But this do not display any thing on server and shows a blank page (WSOD - White screen of death). 但这不会在服务器上显示任何内容并显示空白页面(WSOD - 白屏死机)。 I have to show all data at once (no paging) post_max_size and upload_max_filesize are set to 50M in php.ini/.htaccess , I have confirmed this using phpinfo max_execution_time is 600 Seconds (10 minutes) 我必须一次显示所有数据(没有分页) post_max_sizeupload_max_filesizephp.ini / .htaccess中设置为50M,我已经使用phpinfo确认了这一点max_execution_time是600秒(10分钟)

I have used 我用过

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

but no errors are displayed. 但没有显示错误。

In apache Error log I am having Fatal Error Allowed memory size of 210763776 bytes exhausted , Its strange because it makes 200 MB? 在apache错误日志中我有致命错误允许内存大小210763776字节耗尽 ,它奇怪,因为它使200 MB? Why this is happening? 为什么会这样? Whats the solution? 什么是解决方案?

What can be possible issue and solution? 什么可能的问题和解决方案?

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,

I had to increase memory_limit. 我不得不增加memory_limit。 It was set to 201 MB but still for this particular request it was not working. 它设置为201 MB但仍然针对此特定请求它无法正常工作。 After I increased the memory_limit to 500MB the page started working properly. 在我将memory_limit增加到500MB之后,页面开始正常工作。 I am not sure though that why 201MB memory_limit is not enough for my request. 我不确定为什么201MB memory_limit不足以满足我的要求。 Also the change of memory_limit was not sufficient in php.ini so I had to change this in Plesk panel. 在php.ini中,memory_limit的更改还不够,所以我不得不在Plesk面板中更改它。

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