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[英]ArrayList.remove not working with Integer, works with constant

Alright, I'm new to Java, I'm just working through a class, and I've hit a bit of a snag on a program for class. 好吧,我是Java的新手,我正在上一堂课,并且在上课的程序上遇到了一些麻烦。 I've managed to work my way through every bit of my final program, except for this last thing. 除了最后一件事,我已经设法完成了最终程序的每一部分。

public static void remove(String studentID)
Integer foundLocation = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < studentList.size(); i++)        
        if (studentList.get(i).getStudentID().compareTo(studentID) == 0)
                //This means we have found our entry and can delete it
                foundLocation = i;

if (foundLocation != 0)


        System.out.println("Student ID removed: " + studentID);
        System.out.println("Sorry, " + studentID + " not found.");

The code seems like it should work. 该代码似乎应该工作。 But, what I get is that the remove doesn't actually do anything. 但是,我得到的是remove实际上并没有执行任何操作。 My extra prints are there to verify. 我的多余照片在那里验证。 The ArrayList just plain doesn't change. 普通的ArrayList不会改变。

However, if I just replace: 但是,如果我只是替换:


with something like: 与类似:


It just removes perfectly. 它只是删除完美。

foundLocation is an Integer . foundLocation是一个Integer

Can someone explain to me what I've got going on here? 有人可以告诉我我在这里发生了什么吗?

I expect it's blindingly obvious to someone familiar with Java, but I'm missing it. 我希望它对熟悉Java的人来说是显而易见的,但是我很想念它。

This is a bit of a nasty overload that snuck into the Collections API design. 这有点令人讨厌,它隐藏在Collections API设计中。

There are two remove methods, one that you call with an int , and one that you call with an Object , and they do very different things. 有两种remove方法,一种是用int调用的,另一种是用Object调用的,它们的作用截然不同。

Unfortunately for you Integer is also an Object , even though you want to use it as an int (and do that in a couple of other places, thanks to the magic of autoboxing that unfortunately does not work for remove ). 不幸的是,即使您想将Integer用作intInteger也是一个Object (并且在其他几个地方也可以使用int ,这要归功于自动装箱的魔力,但不幸的是,它不能用于remove )。

remove(1) will remove by index (the 2nd element). remove(1)将按索引(第二个元素)删除。

remove(Integer.valueOf(1)) will remove the object by its value (the first "1" found in the list). remove(Integer.valueOf(1))将通过对象的值(在列表中找到的第一个“ 1” remove(Integer.valueOf(1))删除对象。

It would have probably been wiser to give these two methods two different names. 为这两种方法提供两个不同的名称可能会更明智。

In your case, change foundPosition to be an int . 在您的情况下,将foundPosition更改为int

ArrayList有两个remove方法,一个是remove(int index) ,另一个是remove(Object object) ,您的foundLocation类型是Integer ,当使用它时将是一个引用,因此当您调用remove(foundLocation)时它将调用remove(Object) ,尝试找到一个元素== foundLocation,找不到它,因此什么也不要删除,一旦将类型更改为int,它将删除索引foundLocation处的元素,请参考doc方法。

There are two 'remove' methods in the ArrayList class. ArrayList类中有两个“删除”方法。 One accepts an Object type, the other accepts a int type. 一个接受对象类型,另一个接受int类型。 By using the Integer object, you are finding an element in the list that is equals to the Integer object. 通过使用Integer对象,可以在列表中找到与Integer对象相等的元素。 However when you remove by an int type, you are moving by the position of the element in the list. 但是,当您按int类型删除时,您将按元素在列表中的位置移动。

studentList.remove(foundLocation) will result in the ArrayList checking for a Integer object that is equal to the one that is referenced by foundLocation. studentList.remove(foundLocation)将导致ArrayList检查一个Integer对象,该对象等于foundLocation引用的对象。 This is an object equality check. 这是一个对象相等性检查。 Two different Integer objects with the same value is deemed as being different even though they have the same numeric value. 即使两个具有相同值的不同Integer对象具有相同的数值,也将被视为不同。

studentList.remove(3) will result in the ArrayList to remove the fourth element in the list. studentList.remove(3)将导致ArrayList删除列表中的第四个元素。

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