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[英]Continuous Integration and Automatic Deployment in Azure

I have more than one web api projects in a single solution file, but when I configure it for continuous integration and automatic deployment it has to be against each project to different web site. 我在一个解决方案文件中有多个Web api项目,但是当我配置它进行持续集成和自动部署时,必须针对每个项目将其针对不同的网站。

I have created a publish file and provided those details in the MS Builds Build definition file, still it's not taking the specific project to the correct web site. 我已经创建了一个发布文件,并在MS Builds Build定义文件中提供了这些详细信息,但它并未将特定项目带到正确的网站。

In order to specify a particular folder from a github etc deployment you can set an environment variable (App Setting) of Project. 为了从github etc部署中指定特定文件夹,您可以设置Project的环境变量(应用程序设置)。 so if you have a WebAPI1 and WebAPI2 folder, you can create an APP setting 因此,如果您有一个WebAPI1和WebAPI2文件夹,则可以创建一个APP设置

Project = WebAPI1  

This will make kudu deploy the correct project. 这将使kudu部署正确的项目。

See the kudu documentation for more information - Customizing deployments 有关更多信息,请参见kudu文档- 自定义部署

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