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vector.erase和std ::在自定义矢量上删除

[英]vector.erase and std::remove on custom vector

I have a vector of int pairs. 我有一个整数对向量。 Assuming Itr as my iterator for this vector. 假设Itr是此向量的迭代器。 I want to iterate over the vector and make a decision whether or not to remove the element from the vector. 我想遍历向量,并决定是否从向量中删除元素。 If the element of the vector is 9001,3 then i want to remove all the elements from the vector whose itr->first is 9001(irrespective or what itr->second is). 如果向量的元素是9001,3那么我想从向量中删除所有itr->first为9001(无论是什么itr->second是)的元素。

Questions: 问题:

  1. How do i remove this vector of int pairs. 我如何删除此整数对向量。 The following wouldn't work: vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), Itr->first=9001), vec.end()); 以下代码不起作用: vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), Itr->first=9001), vec.end());
  2. Instead of giving a range as vec.begin() to vec.end() is it possible for me to give vec.begin as (current element being pointer by vector) - 10 and ve.end as (current element being pointed by vector)+10 ? 代替给vec.begin()到vec.end()的范围,我可以给vec.begin作为(current element being pointer by vector) - 10和ve.end作为(current element being pointed by vector)+10吗?

Example: vec.erase(std::remove(Itr-10, Itr+10, Itr->first=9001), vec.end()); 例如: vec.erase(std::remove(Itr-10, Itr+10, Itr->first=9001), vec.end());

It might quiet be possible that Itr+10 ot Itr-10 will result in a segmentation fault if the vector size itself is less than 10. So how to deal with this situation? 如果向量大小本身小于10,则Itr + 10或Itr-10可能会导致分段错误,这很安静。那么如何处理这种情况?

    vector<pair<int,int> > vec;


    vector<pair<int,int> >::iterator Itr;
            cout<<vecItr->first<<" "<<vecItr->second;

//  vec.erase(std::remove(Itr-10, Itr+10, Itr->first=9001), vec.end()); //This doest work

            cout<<Itr->first<<" "<<Itr->second;

How do i remove this vector of int pairs. 我如何删除此整数对向量。 The following wouldn't work: 以下内容不起作用:

Use lambda or custom comparator with remove_if algorithm: 将lambda或自定义比较器与remove_if算法一起使用:

vec.erase(std::remove_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 
                         [](auto& elem){ return elem.first == 9001;} ),

Using custom comparator: 使用自定义比较器:

struct elem_equals
    typedef std::pair<int,int> elem_t
    const int value;

    elem_equals(int v) : value(v) {}

    bool operator()(elem_t& elem) 
        return elem.first == value;


vec.erase(std::remove_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 
                         elem_equals(9001) ),

Instead of giving a range as vec.begin() to vec.end() is it possible for me to give vec.begin as (current element being pointer by vector) - 10 and ve.end as (current element being pointed by vector)+10 ? 代替给vec.begin()到vec.end()的范围,我可以给vec.begin作为(current element being pointer by vector) - 10ve.end as (current element being pointed by vector)+10吗?

Yes. 是。 Vector iterator support pointer arithmetics, so it is easy. 向量迭代器支持指针算术,因此很容易。

It might quiet be possible that Itr+10 ot Itr-10 will result in a segmentation fault if the vector size itself is less than 10. So how to deal with this situation? 如果向量大小本身小于10,则Itr + 10或Itr-10可能会导致分段错误,这很安静。那么如何处理这种情况?

Clamp your range if there is not enough elements before or after iterator: 如果在迭代器之前或之后没有足够的元素,请固定范围:

//iter is an iterator to vector
//vec is instance of std::vector
//replace auto with std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >::iterator for non C++11 compilers
auto begin = iter - std::min(10, iter - vec.begin());
auto end = iter + std::min(10, vec.end() - iter);

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