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[英]TCL, replacing strings in a textfile

lets say I open a file, then parsed it into lines. 可以说我打开了一个文件,然后将其解析为几行。 Then I use a loop: 然后我使用一个循环:

foreach line $lines {}

eg, if the file contained the following string: 例如,如果文件包含以下字符串:


I want to put ACC_ after the XYDATA to get ACC_NAME1 and if the file contains more than one strings with XYDATA , put VEL_ , DSP_ and Prs_ and so on 我想提出ACC_XYDATA得到ACC_NAME1 ,如果文件中包含一个以上的字符串XYDATA ,把VEL_DSP_Prs_

Using the textutil::split package from tcllib , and the ability of foreach to iterate over multiple lists simultaneously 使用tcllibtextutil::split包,以及让foreach同时迭代多个列表的功能

package require textutil::split

set line {XYDATA, foo, bar, baz, qux}
set prefixes {ACC_ VEL_ DSP_ Prs_}

set fields [textutil::split::splitx $line {, }]
set new [list]

if {[lindex $fields 0] eq "XYDATA"} {
    lappend new [lindex $fields 0]
    foreach prefix $prefixes field [lrange $fields 1 end] {
        lappend new $prefix$field
puts [join $new ", "]
XYDATA, ACC_foo, VEL_bar, DSP_baz, Prs_qux

alternately, use a single regsub call that generates some code 或者,使用单个regsub调用生成一些代码

set code [regsub -all {(, )([^,]+)} $line {\1[lindex $prefixes [incr counter]]\2}]
set counter -1
puts [subst $code]

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