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[英]Firefox redirects back to previous page - Wordpress blog

I'm having a really bad issue here and I can't find anything about it online... this is my website: http://top6.com 我在这里遇到了一个非常糟糕的问题,在网上找不到任何关于它的信息……这是我的网站: http//top6.com

when you try to go to a page from FireFox, it shows you the page then redirects you back to the previous one... this only happens with FireFox and only happens if I'm not in a Private window. 当您尝试从FireFox转到页面时,它会向您显示该页面,然后将您重定向到上一个页面...这仅在FireFox中发生,并且仅在我不在“私人”窗口中时发生。 I tried to disable all plugins I have installed, didn't work. 我试图禁用所有已安装的插件,但是没有用。 Checked htaccess, seems fine... Checkev for malware - none. 已检查htaccess,似乎还不错... Checkev是否存在恶意软件-无。 Don't know what else to do... any help is highly appreciated... 不知道该怎么办...非常感谢您的帮助...

The same issue for me. 对我来说同样的问题。 I can say precisely that firefox go to the referer. 我可以准确地说,Firefox是引荐来源。 For instance from google to post, firefox go first to post then redirect to google (the referer). 例如从google到post,firefox首先发布,然后重定向到google(引荐来源网址)。

When i test http://top6.com i see no redirection. 当我测试http://top6.com时,我看不到任何重定向。 Could you test for seeyar.fr? 您可以测试seeyar.fr吗? Regards. 问候。 Nota: no problem with chrome or edge 注意:镀铬或边缘没有问题

I found this: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1244326 there is a relation with cloudflare (rocket ) and the redirection. 我发现了这一点: https ://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1244326与cloudflare(rocket)和重定向有关。 So Wait and see. 因此,拭目以待。

Rgrds, Rgrds,

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