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Wordpress 登录页面重定向回自身

[英]Wordpress Login page redirects back to itself

I'm trying to log in to wordpress dashboard but it redirects back to login page causing 302 error.我正在尝试登录 wordpress 仪表板,但它重定向回登录页面,导致 302 错误。 I've tried all solutions suggested in the internet including clearing caches, deactivating plugins and themes, changing url in wp-confing.php and deleting .htaccess file but none of above did't help… How can I solve this?我已经尝试了互联网上建议的所有解决方案,包括清除缓存、停用插件和主题、更改 wp-confing.php 中的 url 和删除 .htaccess 文件,但以上都没有帮助……我该如何解决这个问题?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Open your domain manager backup your site from cpanel and reinstall wordpress using cpanel.从 cpanel 打开您的域管理器备份您的站点,然后使用 cpanel 重新安装 wordpress。 I think it should work我认为它应该工作

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