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[英]How to refer to an open workbook in VBA?

Dim test As Range

Set test = Workbooks("MonthlyReport.xlsb").Worksheets("VC Report").Range("C1")

VBA shows Error 9: Subscript out of range. VBA显示错误9:下标超出范围。 Why is this? 为什么是这样? What is wrong with it? 怎么了 The workbook MonthlyReport.xlsb is open. 工作簿MonthlyReport.xlsb已打开。

Your code works fine for me (Excel 2007 / Win 7). 您的代码对我来说效果很好(Excel 2007 / Win 7)。 Check the spelling of the workbook and worksheet. 检查工作簿和工作表的拼写 (especially matching spaces) (特别是匹配的空格)

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