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[英]How to make a curve line straight?

Just imagine that you have a curved line. 试想一下,您有一条曲线。 How could you make it a straight line? 你怎么能做到一条直线呢? Do you know any paper or algorithm that can help me out? 您知道任何可以帮助我的论文或算法吗? I know that I one way of doing it is defining an energy function; 我知道我的一种实现方法是定义能量函数。 but, I do not have any idea of what the criterion could be. 但是,我对标准可能是什么一无所知。 My problem is not a simple curve, like a half circle. 我的问题不是一个简单的曲线,就像一个半圆。 An example of the curve is attached. 附有曲线示例。 I do not think that projecting the points on the line on x- or y- axis would be a good option. 我认为将点投影在x轴或y轴上不是一个好的选择。

Thanks! 谢谢!


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