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[英]Passing flags (or not) to a constructor in Java

Having methods with different names for roughly the same task makes sense, for example 例如,使用名称不同的方法来执行大致相同的任务是有意义的

  • open(String filename);
  • createThenOpen(String filename); // First create the file with default contents, then process the file.

This naming approach does not work for constructors. 这种命名方法不适用于构造函数。 Imagine the constructor takes a filename as above. 想象一下,构造函数采用如上所述的文件名。 I have various options to handle the two cases: 我有多种选择来处理两种情况:

  1. If-statement in the constructor: if the file does not exist then create it. 构造函数中的if语句:如果文件不存在,则创建它。 This is not nice as the behaviour of the constructor is implicit and the caller might create unwanted files instead of opening existing files. 这是不好的,因为构造函数的行为是隐式的,并且调用者可能会创建不需要的文件,而不是打开现有文件。
  2. Add a flag to the constructor: MyClass(String filename, boolean createNew) . 向构造函数添加一个标志: MyClass(String filename, boolean createNew) Not very nice because a call like MyClass("hello.txt", true) is cryptic. 不太好,因为像MyClass("hello.txt", true)这样的调用是神秘的。
  3. Overload so that a single argument always assumes file exists, and the presence of an additional dummy parameter means the file should be created. 重载,以便单个参数始终假定文件存在,并且附加的虚拟参数的存在意味着应该创建文件。 This is also ugly. 这也很难看。
  4. Add a String-flag as in RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode) where mode is "r" , "rw" and so on. 像在RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode)中那样,添加一个字符串标志RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode)其中mode"r""rw"等。 This feels very clunky for my purposes. 就我的目的而言,这感觉很笨拙。
  5. Add an enum -flag similar to Files 's copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) . 添加类似于Filescopy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options)enum标记copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) Feels pretty clunky too. 感觉也很笨拙。
  6. Have constructor that takes no argument and then separate methods like above to be called immediately after the object is created. 具有不带任何参数的构造函数,然后在对象创建后立即调用上述类似的单独方法。 Not nice as it makes no sense to have an instance of my object without instantiating it using data from the specified file. 不好,因为没有使用指定文件中的数据实例化我的对象实例就没有意义。

Currently I seem to actually favour number (6) above and simply have two methods with different names to be called immediately after a no-parameter constructor. 目前,我似乎实际上更喜欢上面的数字(6),只是有两个名称不同的方法要在无参数构造函数之后立即调用。 Have I overlooked any options, or is there a "given" approach for these scenarios? 我是否忽略了任何选择,或者对于这些情况是否有“给定的”方法?

Edit: as pointed out by others below there is a 7th, perhaps most obvious option, of course: 编辑:正如下面其他人所指出的,当然有第七种,也许是最明显的选择:

  1. Use factory methods! 使用工厂方法!

使您的构造函数的参数列表protected ,并引入大量名为createFooWithBar()public static方法,并带有调用构造函数的精确参数列表。

Make your constructor private and add public factory methods. 将构造函数设为私有并添加公共工厂方法。 This is a very common pattern, I think. 我认为这是一种非常常见的模式。

Another pattern is the "builder". 另一个模式是“构建器”。 Make the constructor accessible only to classes of the same package. 使构造函数仅可用于同一包的类。 Add in the same package a builder (or more than one builder if you prefer) that will call the constructor and call any other method necessary to construct your object. 在同一程序包中添加一个构建器(如果需要,可以添加多个构建器),该构建器将调用该构造器并调用构造该对象所需的任何其他方法。

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