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如何将SQL Server行数据转换为列?

[英]How to transform SQL Server row data to columns?

I queried data like this 我这样查询数据

member_no cover_version product_id product_name         product_type
--------- ------------- ---------- -------------------- ------------
11421     7                      4 Excellent More       E           
11421     7                     15 Comprehensive Data   D           

But I want to shape this data like this: 但是我想像这样塑造这些数据:

member_no cover_version product_e_id product_e_name       product_d_id product_d_name
--------- ------------- ------------ -------------------- ------------ --------------------
11421     7                        4 Excellent More                 15 Comprehensive Data  

I am using SQL Server 2008. What should be the best approach to shape the data as I want? 我正在使用SQL Server2008。根据需要,什么是最好的数据整形方法?

Assuming you've only got product types D and E as stated, a simple self-join will get you what you're after. 假设您只获得了所述的D和E产品类型,那么简单的自联接将为您提供所需的服务。

If you want something more generic, please expand your question. 如果您想要更通用的东西,请扩展您的问题。


    (11421, 7, 4, 'Excellent More', 'E')
   ,(11421, 7, 15, 'Comprehensive Data', 'D'))  A
    (member_no, cover_version, product_id, product_name, product_type) 

   ,E.product_id product_e_id
   ,E.product_name product_e_name
   ,D.product_id product_d_id
   ,D.product_name product_d_name
    #Demo D
JOIN #Demo E ON D.member_no = E.member_no
                AND D.product_type = 'D'
                AND E.product_type = 'E';

member_no   cover_version product_e_id product_e_name     product_d_id product_d_name
----------- ------------- ------------ ------------------ ------------ ------------------
11421       7             4            Excellent More     15           Comprehensive Data

If you want to do this dynamically, based on unknown product types, you can use this. 如果要基于未知的产品类型动态地执行此操作,则可以使用此功能。

        @Columns NVARCHAR(MAX),
        @CaseExpressions NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'MAX(CASE WHEN product_type = ''<<productType>>'' THEN product_id END) AS [product_<<productType>>_id],
                                          MAX(CASE WHEN product_type = ''<<productType>>'' THEN product_name END) AS [product_<<productType>>_name]'

-- build concatenated string with 2 columns for each product_type in your table.
-- group by product_type to get distinct results.
-- replaces <<productType>> with the actual product_type value
SELECT  @Columns = COALESCE(@Columns + ',', '') + REPLACE(@CaseExpressions, '<<productType>>', product_type)
FROM    myTable
GROUP BY product_type

-- build select query
SET     @SQL = 'SELECT  member_no, cover_version,' + @Columns + ' FROM myTable GROUP BY member_no, cover_version'

-- to see what the dynamic sql looks like

-- to execute the dynamic sql and see result
EXEC    (@SQL)

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