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Drupal 7:drupal_mail函数发送的邮件不超过12个收件人

[英]Drupal 7 : drupal_mail function does not send mail more than 12 recipients

We have developed a meeting room module where we are sending invitation to invitees. 我们开发了一个会议室模块,用于向被邀请者发送邀请。 But We are not able to send mail invitation more than 12 recipients. 但是,我们无法发送超过12个收件人的邮件邀请。

There no reason here to think this 12 limit comes from Drupal. 这里没有理由认为这12个限制来自Drupal。 Suggested steps are: 建议的步骤是:

  • Write and test a very basic function sending mail to 13 or more recipients (better to use validated email address) 编写和测试一个非常基本的功能,将邮件发送给13个或更多的收件人(最好使用经过验证的电子邮件地址)
  • Check your Drupal dblog 检查您的Drupal dblog
  • Check then your mail server log 然后检查您的邮件服务器日志

There was mail_logger module which was installed in system already. 系统中已经安装了mail_logger模块。 I increased the field "mailto" to VARCHAR(2047) in the mail_logger.install file. 我在mail_logger.install文件中将字段“ mailto”增加到VARCHAR(2047)。

Please refer below patch: 请参考以下补丁:

https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2549049-3.patch After above changes done in mail_logger.install file run update.php to get new updates done in database. https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2549049-3.patch在mail_logger.install文件中完成上述更改之后,请运行update.php以在数据库中完成新更新。

That's It!!! 而已!!! Check now!! 现在检查!! :) :)

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