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积累在Scheme Lang R5RS中不工作

[英]accumulate not working in Scheme Lang R5RS

I solved a problem which involved using map and accumulate but it gave me this error: "accumulate: undefined;" cannot reference undefined identifier. 我解决了一个涉及使用mapaccumulate的问题,但它给了我这个错误: "accumulate: undefined;" cannot reference undefined identifier. "accumulate: undefined;" cannot reference undefined identifier.

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

;Procedure to test it with
(define (double x)
   (* 2 x))

(define (my-map proc sequence) 
   (accumulate (lambda (x y) (cons (proc x) y)) '() sequence))

Please can anyone tell me how to fix this problem? 请任何人告诉我如何解决此问题?

The procedure accumulate is not defined in R5RS. R5RS中未定义过程accumulate But it's simple enough to define your own: 但是定义您自己的足够简单:

(define (accumulate proc init lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (proc (car lst)
            (accumulate proc init (cdr lst)))))

For future reference, accumulate is also known as foldr , fold-right , inject or reduce in other programming languages, consult your interpreter's documentation for more details. 对于未来的参考, accumulate也被称为foldrfold-rightinjectreduce在其他编程语言,请咨询您翻译的文档,了解更多详情。

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