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[英]How can I parse GHC core?

I am trying to parse ghc core code obtained from running ghc -c -ddump-simpl myfile.hs . 我试图解析从运行ghc -c -ddump-simpl myfile.hs获得的ghc核心代码。

I know extcore and core libraries are my options. 我知道extcorecore库是我的选择。

I am looking for a simple example depicting the use of these libraries. 我正在寻找一个描述这些库使用的简单示例。

[EDIT] Parsing result should be a data structure from which it should be easy to trace different paths a function can take. [编辑]解析结果应该是一个数据结构,从中可以很容易地跟踪函数可以采用的不同路径。

Consider a simple not function 考虑一个简单的not功能

not True = False
not False = True

GHC will turn this into case expressions (consider output from ghc -c -ddump-simple only). GHC会将其转换为case表达式(仅考虑ghc -c -ddump-simple输出)。 I am looking to parse this output of GHC core. 我想解析GHC核心的这个输出。

I think the easiest way is to forego these external Core libraries and just use GHC as a library directly. 我认为最简单的方法是放弃这些外部核心库,直接使用GHC作为库。 Based on this example from the Haskell wiki , we can make a simple function that turns a module into Core: 基于Haskell wiki中的这个示例 ,我们可以创建一个将模块转换为Core的简单函数:

import GHC
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import HscTypes (mg_binds)
import CoreSyn
import DynFlags
import Control.Monad ((<=<))

compileToCore :: String -> IO [CoreBind]
compileToCore modName = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
    setSessionDynFlags =<< getSessionDynFlags
    target <- guessTarget (modName ++ ".hs") Nothing
    setTargets [target]
    load LoadAllTargets
    ds <- desugarModule <=< typecheckModule <=< parseModule <=< getModSummary $ mkModuleName modName
    return $ mg_binds . coreModule $ ds

Here's a silly example usage that processes its output to count the number of cases: 这是一个愚蠢的示例用法,用于处理其输出以计算案例数:

-- Silly example function that analyzes Core
countCases :: [CoreBind] -> Int
countCases = sum . map countBind
    countBind (NonRec _ e) = countExpr e
    countBind (Rec bs) = sum . map (countExpr . snd) $ bs

    countExpr (Case e _ _ alts) = countExpr e + sum (map countAlt alts)
    countExpr (App f e) = countExpr f + countExpr e
    countExpr (Lam _ e) = countExpr e
    countExpr (Let b e) = countBind b + countExpr e
    countExpr (Cast e _) = countExpr e
    countExpr (Tick _ e) = countExpr e
    countExpr _ = 0

    countAlt (_, _, rhs) = 1 + countExpr rhs

Let's run it on your example: 让我们在你的例子中运行它:

main :: IO ()
main = do
   core <- compileToCore "MyNot"
   print $ countCases core

This outputs 2, as expected. 按预期输出2。

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